Old School Delights

Good things are meant to be shared, right?

The Teo family members, who are deeply passionate about food, have been hosting Chinese New Year parties every year for nearly 200 people. Lots of homecooked food such as ngoh hiang, curry, mee siam and laksa etc are prepared, and among these dishes, mee siam (a 20 year old secret recipe passed down from a grandaunt) is the most sought after.

One day, someone suggested the idea of setting up a business. And so, Aaron, from the 3rd generation, decided to take up the challenge. Together with his sister, Olivia, they started Old School Delights (OSD) after almost 1 year of preparation.


每逢农历新年,热爱美食的张家都会安排聚会派对,并准备许多家常菜肴,如五香、咖哩、米暹、叻沙等等,盛情招待近200位亲友。其中来自姨婆的食谱秘方 – 米暹正是最令人回味无穷的佳肴。

在聚会上吃得尽兴的亲友们就开始提议做点吃的生意。第三代的 Aaron 便接下挑战,和姐姐 Olivia 一起用了将近一年的时间创立了 Old School Delights。

The cafe concept was designed by Aaron the brother. JAF likes the pleasing and unpretentious setting with wooden tables and chairs, and a gigantic chalkboard menu behind the counter.

餐厅以怀旧复古风为主打,设计概念来自 Aaron。找食趣喜欢那干净利落的布置,还有简朴的棕色木桌椅。最引人注目的就是柜台后面的大黑板,上面写了色彩缤纷的菜谱。

JAF is in love with this bright green mosaic feature wall. 

A large blackboard stretching the entire length of one wall allows diners to scribble freely on it.

You will find yourself irresistibly drawn to the interesting collection of old school games and toys placed near the entrance of the café.

JAF felt so nostalgic when taking the photo of these “old fashioned” biscuits! Brought back memories of JAF munching away on those little biscuits during childhood times.


Order your meals using a white board and marker.

Here is Olivia at work. If the brother Aaron is the “brains” behind the cafe concept, then Olivia must be the “face” of the cafe. An ex-teacher and social worker, she is warm and friendly, and always ready to strike a conversation with the customers.

这位就是漂亮的Olivia了。之前当过教师和社工的Olivia 时不时会到个别的餐桌和客人轻松聊天,她的亲切友善让人觉得舒服,有宾至如归的感觉。姐弟俩,Aaron 主内,她主外是再适合不过了。

Fish Goli ($5.80) with tartar sauce. Goli = marbles (in hokkien). Get it? Creative!
炸鱼肉”弹球” – Goli (福建话) 不正是以前常玩的弹球游戏吗?连取菜名都搞复古了喔,有创意!

The homemade tartar sauce tastes lovely. JAF thinks it’s the chopped onion bits that contribute much to the refreshing flavour. It certainly goes well with the fish goli.


Hainanese style Chicken cutlet 海南式鸡扒饭 ($7.80).
Craving for meat? You won’t regret the chicken cutlet.
The meat is nicely fried and oh so tender! It is easy to chew without requiring much effort.
JAF loves the fried rice that comes with it as well, because it is not greasy, dry or too salty.


This sweet sour cutlet sauce is worth mentioning. It is home-made from tomatoes, HP sauce, fresh onions, garlic…The overall taste is not too strong yet delectable enough and can be eaten on its own. JAF enjoys the sauce a lot.

这个专门配鸡扒肉的酸甜酱也是自制的,找食趣超喜欢它的味道。配方主要加入了蕃茄、HP 酱(俗称棕酱)、葱头、蒜头等等,酸味和甜味很均衡,吃了肯定让你食欲大开。

And finally, we come to the signature OSD mee siam ($4.50) that is definitely different from the rest out there. At first glance…well, there’s bee hoon (rice vermicelli), tau pok (fried tofu puffs), beancurd strips, half a hard-boiled egg, and a tablespoon serving of belachan (spicy shrimp paste)… So what’s the big deal? The magic lies in the secret recipe rempah that forms the mee siam gravy base!

OSD 的镇店之宝招牌菜米暹终于亮相了!
$4.50 的米暹卖相与其他的没什么分别,就是有米粉、豆卜、豆干、半边的蛋,还有一汤匙的辣椒炒虾酱。可是真正的精华就在用来制作米暹汤汁的 rempah!

The rempah, a secret recipe from Olivia’s grandaunt, has to be freshly made and there are MANY ingredients involved. JAF learnt from Olivia that as a result, making the rempah is rather time consuming work, with both father and grandmother helping out at times. The end result is a richly flavoured local delight that intrigues the taste buds. Just sipping the gravy alone is a satisfying experience.

Olivia 的姨婆所配制的 rempah 独特秘方是完全新鲜制作的。由于所需的材料不少,加上功夫繁多,耗时也耗力,因此 Olivia 的父亲和外婆时常都会帮忙整个调制的过程。  

*Rempah 是一种混合调料,吸收了马来食物中咖喱和酱油的精髓,将湿料(包括葱、柠檬草、大蒜、辣椒和生姜)和干料(如桐实、桂皮、芫荽籽、小茴香、丁香和胡椒子)混在一起,变成糊状配料。

Other dishes in the menu include: lontong, home-style curry chicken, laksa, nasi lemak besar, home-style breaded fish and chips.

A coffee or tea with a light-textured Old Grandma’s butter cake would be the perfect way to end this gratifying meal.

The dinner cost $21.70 in total. No MSG, no service charge. Good price, friendly ambience, nice food. What’s not to like?

P/S: Olivia is the great great grand-daughter of Singapore Sling creator Ngiam Tong Boon! Wow…

不说不知,原来 Olivia 的高祖父就是发明享誉世界的鸡尾酒 ~ “新加坡司令” ~ 的海南籍华人调酒师严崇文

215M Upper Thomson Road
Singapore 574408
Tel: +(65) 6458 4518 / +(65) 8117 9407
Opening Hours:
12 noon to 11pm
(Closed Mondays and Tuesdays)

It has been 6 months…

On May 22, 2010, we wrote our first post.

On June 04, 2010, we wrote our first overseas post.

On June 06, 2010, we wrote our first local post.

On October 23, 2010, we wrote this breakfast post to welcome the day of JAF JustAboutFood‘s “official opening”.

It has been 6 months, and within this one month of “official opening”, JAF has received over 1000 hits. This may not sound a lot, but it has been encouraging.
Thank you all for your support! 🙂






“Hollywood” Braised Duck and Char Kway Teow

At first look, the hawker centre looks nothing like it’s name, “Hollywood Canteen”.
the simple furnishing that have seen better times was just decked with plastic grey chairs placed around white round tables. Canteen style – yes. Hollywood standard, not even a hint. This very old hawker centre is between Haig Road and Tanjong Katong Road. The only way to get there is to enter from Tanjong Katong Road.


*Tips: If you know where is Sheng Shiong Supermarket (Tanjong Katong branch), you will be able to find the place because they are at the same vicinity*


The awesome Liang Kee, which JAF believe personally, totally helms this whole entire hawker centre food to a different level.


The duck speaks for itself. Very tender…soft and even though it’s drenched in gravy, it still stands for itself. Other side dishes are all equally good! Check out next picture…


JAF always order extra dish of “Tau Pok” (Deep fried Tofu), “Loh Neng” (Hard boiled Egg), “Ark Gua” (Duck Liver). The texture of the “Tau Pok” is slightly crisp and since it’s soaked in the gravy, when you bite it, the gravy ozzes out. WoOoo…The gravy is simply awesome.


The congee served here would have made any granny proud. It’s thick, starchy, and there’s that hint of home cooked taste to it, just like how ah ma would have preferred. And to perfect that plain bowl of comfort food, thick “duck” gravy was poured on top of it. It’s the perfect pairing of congee and gravy…to top it off, a dash of white pepper.

*Fyi…Parsley, Chives and thinly sliced Ginger are added on top but we took them away because of the photo shot…



Another stall which JAF always patronise at the same hawker centre is this Char Kway Teow stall. The only complaint JAF has is that this uncle can get quite inconsistent in his cooking. The char kway teow is generally good but there are times it can get a bit too dry. But still…that doesn’t stop JAF from ordering…


More *hums* (Cockles) plsssss!!


Overall, it’s simple fare of fish cake, cockles, kway teow and sweet dark sauce thats fulfills one’s desire and they add one more item that makes it sinful. “Bak You Pok”(Pork Lard). The crispiness of the lard sums up the whole entire plate and yes, you gotta try it! High cholestrol or not, it’s worth skipping your gym session for it.


1. Lian Kee Braised Duck
2. Char Kway Teow
Hin Hollywood Canteen
Haig Road
10am to 8.30pm daily

Asia Grand Dim Sum

“Addiction” is the word to use for this starter. It consists of diced fish cake, capsicums and cucumber. It’s so appetizing that you just can’t stop eating it!
*Do take note that they will charge for additional servings.


Vinegar Pork Trotter, a typical confinement dish for new mommies, is a favourite among customers.
The meat is simmered till it’s so tender and juicy. You can savor the sweetness of the gravy which has a slight taste of ginger as well. And of course the best part of all is the layer of fat in the trotters! WooOoo…


– 女性坐月子食用猪脚醋,可袪风、袪寒兼补乳,比麻油鸡不油腻,平日食用可开胃又补气。
– 此道的醋汤汁可以饮用,因为醋有溶解脂肪的功效,可以瘦小腹,如果怕吃到油,可以把上面一层薄薄的油质捞除,能补血、促进新陈代谢、增强免疫功能。

*Tips: There are “Special Dishes of the Day” available at Asia Grand everyday. Vinegar Pork Trotter is usually one of the dishes. Check it out before you order.


One word to describe this dish… MARVELLOUS! Crispy skin plus tender and moist flesh…oooh, this “Siu Yuk” (Roast Pork) is just soo..sooo..GOOD.
There was once when JAF went and the “Siu Yuk” were all sold out! One lesson learnt, and since then, JAF always make a “reservation” for this dish before going to the restaurant.


A chinese version of “Molten chocolate cake” ~ “Po Luo Liu Sha Bao”. JAF can get really excited whenever it comes to this dish! It is a MUST MUST order!
While the exterior is a “Po Luo Bao” (Pineapple Bun), the interior is actually a creamy mixture of egg custard and salted egg yolk. Love the warm creamy runny custard, and taste exceptionally good when it combines with the salted egg yolk and the sweet exterior crust.
When you place your order, insist that you want the Liu Sha Bao to be served HOT. From our past experience, we realised the flavour becomes affected once the buns cool down.
*Tips: When you call to make a reservation, remember to reserve the Po Luo Liu Sha Bao too!*


*Do you know?*
The name “pineapple bun” originated from the fact that its sugary top crust is cooked to a golden-brown color, and because its checkered top resembles the epicarp of a pineapple.


Can you see the creamy paste inside? Salted egg yolk custard combined with sweet crust…Yums!

Chee-Cheong Fun (Rice noodle roll) filled with char siew. The skin is so thin, almost translucent that you are able to see the fillings wrapped within! Sweet soy sauce is poured over the dish upon serving.


Dim sum lovers must try this Panfried Carrot Cake. Crispy on the outside and Soft in the inside. There are also bits of “lap cheong” (dried pork sausages) in it and JAF can’t stop but keep picking on the bits to eat! Hehe!


XO carrot cake is very different from the previous dish, panfried carrot cake. It is stir-fried with XO sauce (spicy seafood sauce), prawns, eggs and beansprouts.


*What exactly is XO sauce?*

Char Siew Bao (BBQ Bun) ~ The char siew is so tender and sweet, oh so delicious!


Authentic Lotus leaf with Glutinous Rice. No picture of the filling inside the glutinous rice because JAF was too busy eating! Hehe!


What is Dim Sum without “Siew Mai” (Steamed Pork Dumpling)?

“Pidan” congee (Century Egg porridge) is pretty normal. JAF won’t say it’s a must to order but if you have craving for something light, you can try it.


Many customers love the Sharkfin in dumpling soup. This is a clear soup base with a big dumpling wrapped with sharkfin, minced pork and other ingredients. Just add a few droplets of vinegar, and the soup tastes super good!


Unlike some other restaurants, the steamed yam cake here is quite special because it comes in a small bowl. Just right to share if you have already ordered a few dishes. You can pour the sauce (given separately) over it, however the sauce can be a little too sweet so if you don’t have a sweet tooth, you can just eat it on its own.


One of the popular dishes at Asia Grand would be their Peking Duck. It comes with crackers which most kids love. Definitely a MUST order dish for JAF!
Just for your info, the Peking Duck seems to be having a promotion at only $30. So remember to ask the server if the promotion is still on.


Traditional Peking Duck sliced and neatly wrapped in crepes.

Whip up a bowl of “Mee-Pok” using the “left-over” Peking duck meat, together with some lightly fried mushrooms and vegetables.


Dessert to end your meal ~ Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo. It looks really creamy and you might think you’re gonna overdose on the “creaminess” but no, it tastes just fine. In fact, the lingering aftertaste leaves you craving for more!


Asia Grand
331 North Bridge Road
#01-02, #01-05/08
Odeon Towers
Tel: 6887 0010

15 minutes

This is Lasalle College Of The Arts. Yes, aren’t you impressed by the building structure? JAF and friends certainly are and think that it must be a shiok feeling to be studying in such a fascinating school environment.


15 Minutes is situated in Lasalle College Of The Arts. The cafe is divided into 2 areas of different levels. The style of the upper level is similar to that of an old school canteen, while the lower level presents a modern look. Guess it’s the furniture that helps to create a more relaxed and casual feel to the lower level. You also have a wide variety of food to choose from: salad, sandwiches, pizzas, pasta and the list goes on and on…

Most importantly, the prices are very affordable! But do take note there are different prices for lunch and dinner, lunchtime prices are cheaper and no service charges.


Long tables and benches at the upper level…Remember those old school days?

This is the lower level ~ Let’s chill out…

There is also a stage where live performances are held on certain evenings (Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays)! Cool right? And if you are lucky enough, you might be able to catch special guest DJs too!
First set starts 7:30pm on Wed.
First set starts 8:30pm on Fri and Sat.

星期三:第一组表演 7.30pm 开始。
星期五、六:第一组表演 8.30pm 开始。

By the way, this place functions like a school canteen during lunchtime, so it’s self service and you have to place your orders at the counter.


After you have placed an order, you will be given this “UFO” disc. When this “UFO” device lights up and vibrates, it means your food is ready for collection!


Southern Fried Chicken Wings ~ JAF love the chicken wings! A definitely MUST order! Very crispy and not so oily.


Wasabi Prawn Pizza ~ For those who don’t like wasabi, do not worry because the Wasabi Prawn Pizza does not have a strong wasabi taste. The pizza is made of thin crust, so you will want to order for more food because that’s just not enough!
They have many other choices of pizzas to choose from, each at $7.90 (lunchtime). Pepperoni Pizza, Thai Basil Chicken Pizza, Mixed Mushroom Pizza (V), Asian Duck Pizza and Margherita Pizza (V) etc.
*(V) = Vegetarian*

芥末虾披萨 ~ 没有很强烈的芥末味道,所以不喜欢芥末的朋友别担心。

One of the popular items in the menu is Mushroom Ham in Pink Sauce Linguini.
(JAF changed the pasta to penne instead. If you have any preference for your choice of pasta, feel free to change at the counter.)
The sauce is cooked just right. Not very thick yet very easy to eat. The pasta is cooked just right as well, and easy to chew.


Another MUST order side dish ~ Sotong Balls *$3.00*. Super Q…Super addictive! Trust JAF, you definitely would not stop at one!


The batter of the Fish and Chips is simply well done and the fish remains crisp for very long, no wonder it’s another popular item.


15 Minutes style “Cup” Desserts. 杯中甜品。

15 minutes at night…夜晚时分…

Blk D #01-01
LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McCallum Street
Tel: 6333 5915
Opening hours:
11am-12am (Friday)
11am-11pm (Saturday)

Bark Café

Everybody likes Bark’s Red Plum soda. Red plum made into thick sauce and mixed with sparkling soda. Very refreshing and thirst quenching!


This is one of the popular appetizers here – Bark’s chicken wings. They are deep fried till golden brown in colour. The wings are not very oily but yet very crispy. Must eat them while they are still hot…

Bark Café 特制鸡翅膀是这里最受欢迎的开胃菜之一。

Fish and Chips is one recommended main course at Bark Café. The portion is actually quite generous, so JAF would suggest that 2 people share 1 portion (if you want to try other dishes as well).
The fish and chips batter is perfect! Squeeze the lemon over the fish and chips, dip it in the tartar sauce and a little ketchup and bite it…WoOoo..*Yummilious!*


*Note: for those who prefer local flavours, Bark Cafe also served Crayfish Hor Fun, Sambal Nasi Goreng, Yang Chow Fried Rice…and other dishes too*
*不要以为 Bark Café 只卖西餐,其实这里还能找到不少的本地风味,例如小龙虾炒河粉、马来炒饭、扬州炒饭等等。

A very cosy ambience where you can chill out with your friends for a game of pool after a stressful day at work, or catch live soccer matches on the television during the weekends.

They have a big car park but most importantly, it’s FREE PARKING at Bark Cafe!

1000 Upper Changi Road North, Singapore 507707
(It’s beside Changi Chapel and Museum)
Tel: 6545 4118
Opening hours:
Mon – Fri:11:00am – 12:00am
Sat:11:00am – 1:30am
Sun:11:00am – 12:00am

YY Kafei Dian

It’s a quiet and lazy weekday afternoon…

An old fashioned coffeeshop…

Some customers sitting outside sipping coffee or tea, chatting or looking on as cars passed by once in a while…

Nostalgic mood lingering in the air…

This is YY Kafei Dian, along Beach Road, located at the furthest end of Purvis street, diagonally opposite to Shaw Tower.


There are actually quite a number of cze char and hainanese dishes at this kopitiam, but JAF is not going into details. Rather, as the title of this entry has indicated, JAF wants to focus on the toasted buns here, because this is what YY Kafei Dian is probably most famous for.


The first thing to do is to just forget about not being ladylike, open your mouth super wide and bite into the big-sized bun. Probably a twisted face action, but guess this is all about having fun and enjoyment with nice food yeah?


The buns are freshly baked and toasted before serving. The spread of kaya and butter melts in your mouth. And what’s most amazing is each bun is crispy on the outside, but soft and fluffy on the inside, making it a wonderful combination of taste and texture.
Just one word to sum it up ~ heavenly!


For those who have yet to taste the toasted kaya and butter buns here, you will surely be in for a nice little surprise!

YY Kafei Dian
37 Beach Road #01-01
Tel: +65 6336 8813
Opening Hours
Daily: 7.30am – 10.30pm

老北京炸酱面 Peking Noodles


Noodles With Soybean Paste, also called Zha Jiang Mian, is a popular food that can be easily found in Beijing. Check out this List of Outlets

The moment we stepped in, we got a bit of a culture shock.


Seems like it’s the culture here for the waiters and waitresses to shout the food orders at the top of their voices. It took us a while to get used to the shoutings.

Noodles With Soybean Paste is a traditional Beijing cuisine. It is an inexpensive dish, consisting of three main materials: hand-tossed noodles, vegetable pieces as well as pork. The noodles can be served either hot in the cold weather or cold during the hot summer.

Cucumber and other vege 黄瓜丝和其他配料。

Springy hand-tossed noodles 手擀面条口感不错,有弹性。


This is fried fish. Yes, it looks ugly and doesn’t look appealing, but the taste was still quite ok.


These biscuits and the fish come together as a set.


This is definitely not the typical kind of hotpot. Yang xiezi is the chinese name of this dish, which is often directly translated as “lamb scorpions”. It actually consists of meaty bones from the lamb’s spine.
The soup is flavorful enough so no dipping sauce is required.
There are also vegetables mixed together in the pot.
This dish has the following benefits:
low fat, low cholesterol, low glucose, high protein, rich in calcium. The nutrients are easily absorbed and good for skin. Finally, it is also known to *erherm* help enhance “manhood”.

羊蝎子 (Lamb Spine Hot Pot) 就是羊大梁,因其形状酷似蝎子,故而俗称羊蝎子。羊蝎子常可用来做清汤火锅,味道鲜美。羊蝎子低脂肪;低胆固醇;低血糖;高蛋白;富含钙质。易于吸收,有滋阴补肾,养颜壮阳功效。

If you consider yourself a real carnivore, and you like lamb, this is really the dish for you.


Nobody is going to miss this HUGE signboard!

Colbar, short term for colonial bar, was originally opened in the early 1950’s. It was initially located at Jalan Hang Jebat. The entire structure was disassembled and rebuilt at its current location. It’s owned by a old Hainanese couple, but they are seldom around these days because apparently the daughter has taken over the business.

50年代就开始营业的 Colbar (“殖民酒吧”的简称) 是家富有殖民地色彩的旧式咖啡店。原本的地点在惹兰韩日默,后来重建于现今的英式建筑保留区内,距离旧址不远。店主是一对海南夫妇,不过他们已经退休了,很少到店里来,听说目前由女儿接手掌管生意。

This cafe is surrounded by lots of greenery. And the very spacious outdoor sitting area is suitable for chilling out with friends. Take note that this place can get a little crowded during weekends because it seems to be quite popular with families, so you will get to see children running about… Oh! here is a small reminder ~ Pls wear “less” if you are popping by on a hot hot day because there is no air-con here!


Kampung style huh?

20 cents anyone? Hmmm..when was the last time you saw this kind of weighing machine? Super cool right? *fyi, it’s still working!!*


All in 1 ~ Counter cum Bar cum Cashier cum….and the list goes on…


Check out the Retro TV and the chinese calendar! Don’t you all just love this place???


Every time JAF sees the menu at Colbar, it brings a BIG smile to the face! There are Sooooo… many choices but so little space for the tummy! Colbar’s Curry Chicken is one of the popular dishes among patrons. As mentioned earlier, this cafe is owned by a Hainanese couple, so another MUST order would be their Hainanese Pork Chop! You can ask the young lady (daughter) who sits at the counter and she would be more than happy to recommend.


This is a MUST MUST order snack! “Bacon sandwich” is stated on the menu BUT…JAF is going to share a tip here: tell the server that you prefer “Bacon on toast”. And what you are going to get is something that can only be described by one word ~ ADDICTIVE!!! This is one of the BEST Bacon on toast in Singapore! The bacon is so crispy..and so YUMMILICIOUS that you would forget all the calories while chewing away! It makes you feel like you are eating potatoes chips!


Chips with sausages and eggs. A simple breakfast but the chips here are always JAF MUST order because the chips here are manually peeled, sliced and fried right here at Colbar, the most original Colbar’s chips!


A popular dish among kids ~ Colbar’s Fish and Chips! Kids love it especially with Ketchup!

9A Whitchurch Road
Wessex Estate, Singapore 138839
Telephone: 6779 4859
Opening hours: Tue-Sun (11am-8:30pm)

Tian Shui Chicken rice at Tanglin Halt

It was lunch time and a friend recommended this particular hainanese chicken rice stall that he likes to frequent very much. So where is this place? Tanglin Halt Hawker Centre. It is not a very big hawker centre, and the crowd just keeps on coming.


(P/S: Apologies for the not so clear photos below, because they were taken with a not so good handphone. At work lah…

The chicken rice on the whole is non-oily, the breast meat is not dry and is rather smooth, and the taste is enhanced by the gravy, which is not oily as well.


Crystal chicken feet 玻璃鸡脚
Not even halfway through the meal, the enthusiastic friend decided that we should not miss out another of the stall’s specialty – crystal chicken feet.

After the first piece, JAF concluded that the chewy chicken feet is better in comparison with the chicken meat. But of course, this is not to say that the meat is not nice, just that JAF likes the chicken feet more.


If you happen to be around Tanglin Halt area, can consider giving Tian Shui Ji Fan a try, especially if you are a chicken rice fanatic. Decide for yourself if it is up to your standard, 🙂


Tian Shui Ji Fan
Tanglin Halt Food Centre
Stall No. 21