Free Pizza or Pasta on Ladies Night!

JAF was introduced to this Italian restaurant by a friend. As the food was pretty decent, we decided to head there again. We were puzzled when the server asked if we were keen on their special promotion ~ “Ladies’ Night”. Heard about free drinks but free FOOD for ladies???

Yes, FREE Pizza or Pasta for each lady on Wednesday nights!

*Take note: Buono’s Ladies’ Night Promotion is ONLY on every WEDNESDAY!
As long as there is one lady at the table, the server will automatically recommend the choices available for the “free” pizzas and pastas.


才刚坐下,侍应生就向我们推荐餐馆的一项优惠活动 ~ “Ladies’ Night”,只要你是女人,就可以点一道免费的披萨或意大利粉。

千真万确,Buono 的 “Ladies’ Night” 优惠活动不是骗人的!每逢星期三,餐馆就会有这项“免费”促销。

Since there were 2 of us (ladies) here, we decided to choose one each.

Every meal comes with their freshly made garlic bread. *Yums!*

JAF was wondering how big the portion for a “free” pasta would be like?
Answer: The dish is definitely good enough as a main course! Very generous portion and ingredients! *Impressed* 🙂


Orecchiete Di Mare with Zucchini, Clams, Calamari in Seafood Tomato Sauce.

Verdict: Pasta is cooked to the right texture, sauce is not too creamy yet you can taste the sweet tomato flavour.

*The term “Calamari” is commonly used by Greek, Italian and Spanish languages. When the squid becomes a food, the culinary name “Calamari” is used instead.

*鱿鱼的英文是Squid,希腊文、意大利文和西班牙文是Calamari。当变成食材时,英文就不称它squid,而是以它的烹饪专用名culinary name Calamari称之。

An open concept huge oven where you can take a peek at the chef making pizzas!


At first JAF thought that only 1 slice of free pizza would be served but we were so wrong! It was a HUGE whole pizza, with 8 HUGE slices!!!


Margarita Pizza ~ Plain Pizza with Mozzarella Cheese. Instead of having it plain, we added ham and mushroom on it.
*Take note: Additional charges for additional toppings. (Classic Ham ~ $5, Mushroom ~ $2)

玛格丽特披萨 ~ 简单,只有马苏里拉奶酪,所以我们也多加了火腿和蘑菇。
多加的料就不是免费了。(火腿 ~ $5, 蘑菇 ~ $2)

Verdict: Superb! The pizza is freshly made and the thin crust is so crispy. When you “tear” the pizza apart, the melted mozzarella cheese is “drooping” in the air!

披萨当然是现烤现吃的好。薄薄的 很脆。

JAF felt that 3 persons would be just nice to share the pasta and pizza. However if you are not able to finish the food, you can request for “tabao” even though the items are free. 🙂


Hmm…guess what is this?

Buono’s Specialty Tiramisu 特制提拉米苏 ~ $8

Verdict: We all know that Tiramisu is one of the most popular desserts in an Italian restaurant, so of course we must order Buono’s version to try out. The tiramisu here is freshly made daily. The combination of mascarpone and whipped cream is just right, not too light nor heavy, and it melts in your mouth! Definitely a GOOD choice made! 🙂


Buono Pizzabar & Ristorante
27 Lichfield Rd 556847
Tel: 6733 5646
Opening Hours:
Open Daily 12pm-2pm, 6pm-10pm

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