Ho Chi Minh Wrap & Roll

HCM Part 2
JAF and friend were shopping inside Hard Rock Cafe when one of the staff started chatting with us. He strongly recommended us to check out Wrap & Roll, and told us the nearest outlet was just a short walk away. So off we went.

找食趣和朋友在硬石餐厅里头逛逛看看时,其中一位职员开始和我们搭讪。刚好接近午餐时间,因此他大力推荐我们到隔几条街的这家 Wrap & Roll 试一试。既然是当地人介绍的,我们还犹豫什么呢?

Wrap & Roll – “Best Vietnamese restaurant chain 2010”.

Bright interior design and lively ambience. JAF loved the green walls!
It was lunch time when we stepped into the restaurant. Apparently this seems to be a popular place among the young local professionals.


We were surprised to see such a variety of rolls offered on the menu. Some of them come already wrapped and rolled while there are those that allow the customers to do themselves.


Vietnamese Pepsi.

How could we miss out the Fresh Spring Rolls (Gỏi cuốn)?

Fresh Spring Rolls with pork and prawns (VND 45000) (VND = Vietnamese Dong)
越南鲜春卷 ~ 馅料包括猪肉和虾肉。

Steamed rice crepe rolls with grilled pork (Bánh ướt cuốn thịt nướng) (VND 35000)

Grilled pork with vermicelli & vegetables (Cuốn bún chả Hà Nội) (VND 58000)

Wrap some fresh vege and herbs, vermicelli and a piece of pork with a dry rice paper and roll it up.


Sticky rice with chicken wrapped in pandan leaves (Xôi gà cuộn lá dứa) (VND 55000)
We saw this particular dish on many tables as we walked past to our seats, so we decided to order a set.


Glutinous rice. 糯米饭。

Yes, the chicken doesn’t look appealing, but the taste is not too bad.


However, do take note: the chicken must be eaten while it’s still hot, taste much better.


You can check out the link below for a list of the restaurants and food court outlets located at different parts of Ho Chi Minh city.

Wrap & Roll 散布在胡志明市各个角落,大家可点击以下网址查询地址。

Wrap & Roll
62 Hai Ba Trung St, District 1
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 08-08-38222166

Ho Chi Minh Phở Eatery

Went on a short trip to Vietnam Ho Chi Minh three months back, and took some food pictures. Here is HCM Part 1.


Phở24 is a famous Vietnamese noodle restaurant chain in Vietnam. According to its website, “by June 2010, PHO24 has opened 77 outlets in Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Vung Tau, Nha Trang, Binh Duong, Jakarta (Indonesia), Manila (Philippines), Seoul (Korea), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Sydney (Australia) and Hong Kong.”

Phở24 是著名的越南面连锁店。根据它的网站所提供的资料,至2010年六月为止,Phở24 的分店已经分布在胡志明市、河内、岘港、头顿、芽庄、平阳、雅加达(印尼)、马尼拉(菲律宾)、首尔(韩国)、金边(柬埔寨)、悉尼(澳洲)以及香港,共有77家分店。

Fresh Spring Rolls (VND 35000) (VND = Vietnamese Dong)
Wrapped with rice paper, ingredients include: Vietnamese rice vermicelli, vegetables, mint leaves and fresh shrimps.

越南鲜春卷 ~ 用米紙包裹米粉、杂菜、香草和鮮蝦。

Chilli to go with the fresh spring rolls. Ooooh….this is very spicy!

Egg in Broth (Trứng gà) (VND 10000)
Mix the egg well with the soup, it’s an interesting taste, quite nice.


Pho with Chicken (Phở gà) (VND 48000)

The usual ingredients that go with Pho.

The complete dish. Let’s tuck in!

Broken Rice with Shredded Pork, Pork Chop (Cơm tấm bì sườn) (VND 47000)
Was curious about “broken rice” and did a check on it.


The food here is cheap. Including drinks, we spent around $12++ Singapore dollars in total.


**We saw quite a number of Phở24 outlets around. Just walk along the streets and you are bound to see one round the corner.

Phở24 其实有好几家分店。在街上走着走着,拐个弯就会看到一间。