Ming Chung Restaurant

Henghua is a minority chinese dialect of the immigrants from Putien in Fujian province. The language is pretty close to Foochow and Hokkien. There is only a handful of authentic Henghua restaurants in Singapore and their commonly used ingredients are seaweed, oysters, clams and other seafood. This is because Putien is located near the coast. *Ah….now we know!*

在新加坡, 以正宗原味的兴化菜肴为主的餐馆不多。由于莆东沿海的关系, 因此兴化菜肴里最常见的材料就有海带/海藻、蚝、蛤和其他海鲜等。

Ming Chung Restaurant is established in 1933 and is one of Singapore’s oldest Henghua restaurants. The restaurant was named “Ming Chung”, meaning “People” in Chinese, to reflect the affordable home-style Henghua food for the diverse clientele including rickshaw riders and labourers.

民众菜馆创于1933年, 是新加坡历史悠久的兴化餐馆之一。餐馆取名为民众, 正是希望能为当时的老百姓, 包括三轮车车夫和劳工等等, 提供价格大众化的兴化家常菜。

You have to arrive as early as 5pm to “chop” for a table especially if you are heading here for dinner on a weekend!

如果是周末要到这里用餐, 最好是在5点左右就来等位子。

The Heng Hua Lor Mee is a MUST order when you come here!
Expecting the typical “dark” version Lor Mee? The Lor Mee here is white in gravy instead but the spoon base is similar to the “dark” version, in starchy broth. It has loads of ingredients like seafood, sliced pork, clams, tau pok and vegetables.

和常见的酱油色卤面不同, 莆田卤面用白色高汤慢慢炖出来的,让高汤和配料的味道渗透到面条里,因此汤特别粘稠。
里头有不少的料, 有海鲜、猪肉、蛤、豆卜、菜等等。

Another signature dish is this stir fried LaLa (clams), very fresh with natural sweetness! And we LOVE the flavourful sauce too!


WOooo….We love this prawn fritters!! Love the batter which is light and not oily and it’s SUPER CRISPY!!!


The batang fish served here is very fresh! This is a very simple dish yet they cook it so well. The fish is evenly fried and when you dip it with the light soy sauce + cut chilli… YUMS!

马鲛鱼很新鲜。其实是很简单的一道菜, 不过煎得恰当好处, 一点也不马虎。沾点辣椒酱青吃下去, 哇, 好吃!

Last but not least, the fried rice! The rice is fried just right with the “Wok Hei” fragrance! They are very generous with their ingredients – Eggs + Prawns + CharSiew + Chinese Sausages.

最后不能不介绍这个炒饭, 它可是镬气十足, 香喷喷的。料也很丰富哦, 有鸡蛋、虾肉、叉烧和蜡肠。

67 Maude Road
Singapore 208348
Tel: 6296 3428
Opening hours:
3:00pm to 11:30pm
Closed on Mondays

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