Smiths Authentic British Fish & Chips

JAF heard so much from our “Ang Moh” friends and colleagues about this Fish & Chips joint in Singapore. To them, the Fish & Chips here is the closest they can get to an original one back in UK.
When we reached there, we were taken aback by the takeaway counter, because we were expecting an “English – style” restaurant.

找食趣从洋人朋友和同事口中听闻某家店所专卖的炸鱼薯条, 是他们在新加坡接触到的最接近英国传统炸鱼薯条的味道了。
既然如此, 不能不去。原本以为是一家英国式的餐馆, 没想到只是一个简单的外卖打包柜台。

So this is how it works at Smiths…
You order at the counter –> wait a while –> pick up –> off to a English Fish & Chips feast!.

在柜台点了食物后, 只需等一会儿就能领取香喷喷的炸鱼薯条了。

Basic condiments for Fish & Chips.
Singaporean style – Chilli/Ketchup/Tartar Sauce
Ang Moh style – Vinegar/Salt/Ketchup/Tartar Sauce

新加坡式 – 辣椒酱/番茄酱/塔塔酱
洋式 – 醋/盐/番茄酱/塔塔酱

Just like the old days, the Fish & Chips at Smiths are wrapped in paper!
We chose “Mushy Peas” as the side dish. Fyi, their mushy peas are prepared in the authentic British way.
*Definition of Mushy Peas: Dried marrowfat peas which are first soaked overnight in water and then simmered with a little sugar and salt until they form a thick green lumpy soup.*

不说不知, 原来炸鱼薯条源自19世纪的英国。炸鱼薯条用白纸包着, 这可是上一辈英国人延续下来的传统吃法, 让顾客能边走边吃。
*豌豆泥的做法: 将泡水浸过一夜后的豌豆慢煮至糊状,过程中加入少许的糖和盐即可。

We LOVE the Fish & Chips! (We ordered the Haddock and Cod)
YES! The secret lies in the batter! JAF found out that Smiths’ home-made batter is made fresh every day to their secret recipe. Their chips are thick cut chips, peeled and chipped every morning. *YUMS!* Many of our ang-moh friends recommended the Haddock, however JAF feels that the Cod tastes better. The flesh is actually more moist and flavourful. Perhaps you might like to try them and let us know?

找食趣点了黑线鳕和鳕鱼, 味道赞!
秘诀就在于依照独家秘方, 每天新鲜配制的面糊。
还有用新鲜马铃薯, 切成一条条粗粗厚厚的炸薯条, 好吃!
洋人朋友们都极力推荐黑线鳕, 找食趣倒是觉得鳕鱼肉比较细嫩多汁, 味道也较鲜美。

Mushy Peas 豌豆泥: $2.50
Cod+Chips 鳕鱼+薯条: $18.00
Haddock+Chips 黑线鳕+薯条: $17.00
Total: 37.50

230 Tanjong Katong Road
Singapore 437018
Telephone: 63459855
Opening Hours: 12pm – 11pm (Every day)

271 Bukit Timah Road
#01-02 Balmoral Plaza
Singapore 259708
Telephone: 97379313
Opening Hours: 12pm – 11pm (Every day)

50, Boat Quay
Singapore 049239
Opening Hours: 11am – 1am (Every day)

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