Bangkok Express @ Newton Circus

Sawasdee ka! Welcome to Newton Circus!

大家好! 欢迎来到牛顿圈。

We chanced upon this thai food stall when we were there for the famous Bee Heng Poh Piah. At first we hesitated… until we realised that the cook and server are Thai. Hmm…how bad can the thai food be right?

So, JAF shall start our “Thai Adventure”………

原本找食趣是来找有名的美兴薄饼的, 意外看到这个卖泰国食物的摊位。正当犹豫要不要光顾这摊位时, 发现厨师和摊位助手都是泰国人。看来食物应该不会差到哪里去吧?

Phad Thai – $4.50
The 1st dish that came to our mind when we were standing in front of the stall was…PHAD THAI! What is Thai Food without Phad Thai?
Well, JAF and friends were very impressed with the Phad Thai here! Not only is the boss very generous with the ingredients, the texture of the glass noodles is cooked just right, not too wet or sticky. Taste even better when we mixed the noodles with the chopped peanuts and…..dash of lime. J

泰国美食绝对少不了泰式炒河粉 – $4.50。
面条炒得刚刚好, 筷子就可轻易拨散开。与花生碎搅和在一起, 再挤点青柠檬汁, 味道美妙, 令找食趣和朋友赞不绝口。

Tom Yum Soup – $5.00
The 2nd dish would definitely be the Tom Yum Soup! For $5.00 you get a BIG bowl of yummilicious soup! JAF tried a few places and this got to be the only one with such a generous portion of seafood! Not too sure if they serve the clear soup but we were all very satisfied with their creamy red chilli base Tom Yum soup.
*If you can’t take too spicy stuff, you can tell them you prefer “less-spicy” and they will be more than happy to cook for you.

只要$5就有这么一大碗的东炎汤, 绝对物有所值。
找食趣曾吃过几家的泰国餐, 好像都没这里的海鲜料多。
如果你不能吃太辣的, 厨师也会非常乐意做出调整, 另外准备一碗少辣的东炎汤。

Fried Chicken Cashew Nuts – $6.00
This dish taste pretty similar to our chinese style, “Sweet and Sour Pork”. Chunky chicken meat fried with sweet and sour sauce, onion and last but not least, cashew nuts. Oh Yes! This dish comes with Mango Salad on the side too! The salad is not a huge portion but just nice for one person. (Fyi, this dish comes with rice.)

香炒腰豆鸡丁 – $6
味道其实有点像我们中式的酸甜猪肉, 也放入了洋葱和腰豆一起炒。
这道菜附有芒果沙拉和白饭, 不多, 足够一个人的份量。

Green Curry – $4.50
WooOoo… the gravy for the Green Curry is rich, creamy and flavourful. The chicken is very juicy and tender too. It definitely goes very well with a plain bowl of rice.

青咖喱 – $4.50
味道浓郁, 鸡肉多汁且嫩滑, 配白饭吃最适合不过了。

Chicken Omelette – $4.00
This is a simple dish – Minced chicken meat with egg. Yup, SIMPLE is the word but JAF simply love this dish! The minced meat are evenly spread, the eggs are nicely cooked, not too burnt yet crispy! *loving it*

芙蓉鸡肉煎蛋 – $4
很简单的一道家常菜, 不过却让找食趣吃得津津有味哦。
鸡肉碎都很均匀地散布在鸡蛋之中, 整体的熟度恰到好处。

Thai Fried Tung Hoon – $4.50
Unlike other stalls that we have tried, the tung hoon are not too dry but springy and most importantly you would not get clumps of tung hoon sticking together.

泰式炒冬粉 – $4.50
不会太干, 更重要的是冬粉没有粘成一团, 因此吃得出它的弹性。

Tom Yum Paste Chicken – $5.50
This is the only dish that JAF would consider as “so-so”. We could not taste the tom yum paste despite it’s name. But one thing for sure, the chicken served here is always big, chunky and very tender. It comes with a small portion of mango salad on the side and rice as well!

不过有一点不能不提的是, 鸡肉分量都很大, 而且也很嫩。

Newton Food Centre
500 Clemenceau Ave North #01-004