Caphe East

Vietnamese food has never been one of the top choices when JAF is searching for food. Well, probably because the food has a distinctive “fishy” taste. BUT…this time round, friends have convinced JAF that it’s a MUST try for this newly set up café located at the east! Hmmm…let’s take a look…

在寻找美食的过程中, 越南菜很少会是找食趣的首选。不过这次, 朋友很努力地说服了找食趣一定要到东边这家新开张的越南食馆瞧瞧。

Goi Cuon (Summer Rolls) – 2pc: $5.00 and 4pc: $8.00

These rolls are freshly made and filled with prawns, sliced pork, lettuce, cucumber, vermicelli and served with a special peanut sauce.


Verdict: NICE! The rice sheet is extremely thin and delicate and the ingredients used are all fresh! Love the sweetness of the peanut sauce and the texture is just nice, not too thick or watery.

透明的米皮很薄, 所用的材料都很新鲜。
非常喜欢花生酱的甜味, 质感顺滑, 不浓不稀刚刚好。
2个: $5.00 / 4个: $8.00

Cha Gio (Spring Rolls) – 3pc: $6.00 and 9pc: $9.00

Traditional Vietnamese dish which is stuffed with Chinese mushrooms, minced pork, crab meat, prawns and vermicelli. Fried to perfection and served with homemade fish sauce.

越南春卷是一道传统越南菜肴, 里头有东菇、猪肉碎、蟹肉、虾和米粉。
炸得适中, 吃时要配上自制的越南沾酱鱼露。
3个: $6.00 / 9个: $9.00

Verdict: A “never-go-wrong” to order dish when you eat at a Vietnamese restaurant. Very crispy, but it would be even better if it’s less oily. The homemade fish sauce is good, it doesn’t have the fishy taste at all!

春卷炸得很酥脆, 不过有点太油腻了, 不然味道会更佳。
自制的鱼露酱不会太浓烈, 适合找食趣的口味。

Pho Tai – $9.00

Raw beef with flat rice noodles served with homemade broth and garnished with mint, coriander, onions and scallions.

越南牛肉河粉, 汤是自家制的。

Verdict: JAF LOVE the broth! The broth is light yet very tasty and flavourful! Every sip leaves a hint of sweetness in your mouth and you never seem to get enough of the soup! *Heavenly….*
Unlike other restaurants which use beef slices, Caphe East has its very own style – the beef meat is pounded instead of sliced, hence it looks like minced beef. Flat silky noodles soaked in the broth… WOoOo… just so AWESOME! 🙂

牛肉河粉汤 ($9.00) 味道清爽甘甜, 让找食趣喝上了瘾。
这里处理牛肉的方式和其他地方的有所不同, 牛肉不是切片, 而是剁碎过。
顺滑的面条浸在汤汁里, 尤其美味。

Café Sua Nong – $4.50

Traditional Vietnamese Coffee with condensed milk. * Vietnamese coffee filter brews one single cup of coffee. Looks complicated but it’s actually not…It comes in three parts, the main central brewing pot, a lid (which also doubles as a coaster), and a mini plunger.*

加入炼奶的传统越南咖啡 ($4.50) 用的是一种特殊的滴滤咖啡杯, 里面放了咖啡粉, 再用热水冲泡。下面用玻璃杯接着,让咖啡滴滴答答的滴到杯子内。

Verdict: “STRONG” is the only word I can describe! It’s like Singaporean style coffee – “Kopi-Gao”. Loads of condensed milk are added so you can just stir according to how sweet you like your coffee to be! 🙂

味道非常浓烈, 就好像我们这里特浓的咖啡吧。
杯子底下加了一层炼奶, 随你喜欢咖啡要多甜, 把咖啡和炼奶混合起来喝。

922, East Coast Road
Singapore 459114
Tel: 62450153

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