Café Epicurious at The Rail Mall

Good Morning Singapore! What’s for breakfast today?


Epicurious Cafe has always been one of the top few choices for weekend breakfast or brunch. They have 2 branches: 1)The Rail Mall and 2)The Quayside. Haven’t been to any of them but heard from some reviews that it can be quite difficult to get a table at The Quayside during weekends so we decided to check out the Rail Mall branch instead.
*Fyi, the breakfast menu is the same for both branches.

Epicurious Cafe 一直都是吃早午餐的一个好地方。它有两间店面,分别在铁道广场和克拉玛头。

We reached there around lunchtime, and we were quite surprised to see that only a few tables were occupied! Hmmm…could it be the location?


While looking at the menu, something caught our eyes! Ten Bucks Lunch (Weekday): Main course + Dessert + Drink! Maybe we should try this next time!


JAF’s choice – Epic Breakfast for 2 persons: (3 Choices $35, 4 Choices $40)
Egg Benedict / Baked Egg / Green Eggs and Ham / Pancake(3pcs) / French Toast(3pcs) / Two Eggs Scrambled or Fried, 2 Regular Coffee / Tea and 2 glasses of Orange Juice.
We’ve chosen the *4 Choices*.


Cuppa hot coffee to start your day!

We LOVE the French Toast! It is fried til crispy on the sides topped with icing sugar and freshly cut fruits. There is a slight tint of cinnamon taste, luckily it wasn’t too strong…just NICE for us! Ohhhh…we love the raisins bread they use for their french toast too! Probably that’s the reason why it stands out from the rest that we have tried before. *Definitely gonna order this again!*


Eggs Benedict + Green Eggs and Ham + Roasted Potates. Hmmm…there is nothing much to shout about on the “Eggs Benny”. However the “Green Eggs and Ham” is good! (Next pic)


Good choice! It’s actually scrambled eggs, mixed with spinach and cheese. In fact, we were asking the server to recommend and he strongly recommended the “Green”! He assured us that it’s really yummy and it’s his FAVOURITE too! Well, we decided to give it a go! Nice! We like!


We don’t find the pancake really special. Well, we will probably try other dishes the next time.



392 The Rail Mall
Upper Bukit Timah Road
Tel: 68945926
Opening hours:
Lunch: 11.30pm – 2.30pm (Monday– Friday)
Dinner: 5pm – 10pm (Sunday to Thursday) / 5.30pm – 10.30pm (Friday to Saturday)
Brunch: 9am – 4pm (Saturday and Sunday)
Happy Hour: 5 pm – 8pm (Everyday) *1-for-1 on Chang beer & Stella Artois draft for $10*

#01-02 The Quayside
Robertson Quay
Tel: 67347720
Opening hours:
Lunch: 11.30pm – 2.30pm (Tuesday – Friday)
Dinner: 5.30pm – 10pm (Tuesday to Sunday)
Brunch: 9am – 4pm (Saturday and Sunday)
Happy Hour: 5.30pm – 7.30pm (Tuesday – Friday)4pm – 6pm (Saturday – Sunday) *1-for-1 on house wines, beer, cocktails and tapas*

Breakfast/Brunch @ Choupinette

Before JAF starts rattling off, we decide to check out the origin of this entry’s topic ~ Eggs Benedict. Many of us love this dish but how many of us know about the story behind it? After searching online, we found many different versions to the origin of Eggs Benedict so we shall share just 2 of them.
*If you would like to know the other versions, you can look up “Wikipedia”.


Here you go…
Version 1:
In 1894, Lemuel Benedict, a Wall Street broker with a hangover wandered into the Waldorf Hotel in New York and ordered “some buttered toast, crisp bacon, two poached eggs, and a hooker of hollandaise sauce”. The Waldorf’s legendary chef, Oscar Tschirky, was so impressed that he put the dish on his breakfast and luncheon menus after substituting Canadian bacon for crisp bacon and a toasted English muffin for toasted bread.

他那时候饱受宿醉之苦,要了一份“涂了奶油的吐司,煎得脆脆的培根,两个水煮荷包蛋,还有蛋黃酱”。华道夫饭店当时赫赫有名的厨师Oscar Tschirky 很喜欢这道菜,结果把它放在饭店的早餐菜单上。不过他稍做了一些改变:吐司改成英式松糕,培根改成加拿大式的培根。

Version 2:
In the 1860s, a Wall Street banker named LeGrand Benedict and his wife, regular patrons of Manhattan’s Delmonico’s restaurant, complained that they were bored by the menu. The response of Chef Charles Ranhofer was toasted muffins topped with ham, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce. This version is further supported by the fact that Charles Ranhofer’s cookbook “The Epicurean” (published in 1894) contains a recipe called Eggs a’ la Benedick (Eufa a’ la Benedick).

So now you get it? 🙂

时间是1860年左右,地点是美国第一间餐厅Delmonico’s Restaurant。
1894 年时查尔斯蓝赫法出了一本叫The Epicurean 的食谱,里面有一道菜就叫做班尼迪克蛋。

JAF had read so much about Choupinette from other food bloggers that we decided to hunt for it. This little cafe can be found along Bukit Timah Road. It’s quite easy to locate. Once you see Coronation Plaza (if you are driving), you turn left to the next lane. Parking can be quite limited around the estates so the other alternative is to park inside Coronation Plaza.
*Fyi, Choupinette stands for “Sweetie Pie” in French.*

*Choupinette 是法文,意思是“甜心派”。

JAF went on a weekend and the cafe was packed! So we would suggest that you make a reservation before you decide to hop by this cafe.
They have freshly baked daily bread *cheese focaccia, family country bread, sour dough and many more*.


Spoilt for choices? Hmm….What shall we order?

Caught a glimpse of this cosy corner…

Here comes the main dish of the day! Eggs Benedict with a fresh juice and any hot drink ~ $20+.
主角驾到!班尼迪克蛋配一杯鲜果汁和任何一杯热饮料 ~ $20+。

Verdict: WoOoo..they taste as good as they looked! We love the crispy toast with ham and most importantly, the poached eggs were nicely done! Oh yes! how can we forget the yummillcious hollandaise sauce! *Thumbs up!*


The English Coq: Scrambled, poached or fried eggs with pork or chicken sausage, mushrooms, a ‘tomato provencale’ and a wholemeal bread roll with a fruit juice and any hot drink. ~ $19+

再配一杯鲜果汁和任何一杯热饮料 ~ $19+。

Verdict: JAF personally felt that this is a NOT “must try” set. Nothing really special, the mushroom is a little dry and the only “plus” point would most probably be the home-made wholemeal bread roll.
Pls do take note that EXTRA butter or jam cost $1.


607 Bukit Timah Road #01-01
Opening Hours:
Tue – Fri: 9am – 10pm
Sat: 8am – 10pm
Sun: 8am – 6pm

YY Kafei Dian

It’s a quiet and lazy weekday afternoon…

An old fashioned coffeeshop…

Some customers sitting outside sipping coffee or tea, chatting or looking on as cars passed by once in a while…

Nostalgic mood lingering in the air…

This is YY Kafei Dian, along Beach Road, located at the furthest end of Purvis street, diagonally opposite to Shaw Tower.


There are actually quite a number of cze char and hainanese dishes at this kopitiam, but JAF is not going into details. Rather, as the title of this entry has indicated, JAF wants to focus on the toasted buns here, because this is what YY Kafei Dian is probably most famous for.


The first thing to do is to just forget about not being ladylike, open your mouth super wide and bite into the big-sized bun. Probably a twisted face action, but guess this is all about having fun and enjoyment with nice food yeah?


The buns are freshly baked and toasted before serving. The spread of kaya and butter melts in your mouth. And what’s most amazing is each bun is crispy on the outside, but soft and fluffy on the inside, making it a wonderful combination of taste and texture.
Just one word to sum it up ~ heavenly!


For those who have yet to taste the toasted kaya and butter buns here, you will surely be in for a nice little surprise!

YY Kafei Dian
37 Beach Road #01-01
Tel: +65 6336 8813
Opening Hours
Daily: 7.30am – 10.30pm


When you drive past this building, you probably would not have noticed this cafe. It’s situated opposite the old NIE(National Institute of Education). So remember to keep a lookout!


JAF loves this picturesque view which is just outside the cafe.


The big blackboard is the first thing to catch your eyes when you enter the cafe, giving the place a nice old school feel. The cafe is not very big, but it’s a cosy place, with natural light coming in from the big windows.


Very colourful menu! JAF like it! What about you?


The dish descriptions in the menu are very interesting. They make you so curious that you want to order the food to see how each of them looks like!


If you love EGGS like JAF, you will definitely love this place. Eggs Benedict has always been one of JAF’s MUST-order breakfast! The mashed potatoes that come with this dish are a little too dry. FORTUNATELY the hollandaise sauce saves this dish! The texture of the sauce is quite thick and creamy, break the egg yolk and mix it with the sauce, the taste is simply good… Woooo…


JAF was delighted when this breakfast set was served.
Love the creativity. The presentation of the scrambled eggs makes this dish so much more attractive. Top it up with fish roe and there you go…A Yummilicious Breakfast!


The Pancake at Hatched is “so-so” only. JAF would not say it’s a must try but if you prefer to have a light breakfast, this can be one choice.


26 Evans Road #01-06, Evans Lodge
Singapore 259367
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Thurs/Sunday (8am – 10pm)
Friday – Saturday (8am – 12 am)
Tel: +65 6735 0012

Riders Cafe ~ 大自然的早餐

JAF fell in love immediately with this place on the first visit. It’s not the kind of commercial cafe you would find in town. Here at Riders Cafe, you will see plenty of greenery and of course not forgetting beautiful horses too! It’s actually beside Bukit Timah Saddle Club so if you want to have a good view of horses going for their “stroll”, remember to inform the cafe staff that you would prefer Alfresco dining when making a reservation. *Tips* Please call to make reservation because it’s always fully booked on weekends.


Where can you find FREE parking these days right? Guess what? You can find it here at Riders Cafe! However please try to come here earlier because the car park can be quite packed during weekends. *Tips to get here ~ Head towards Eng Neo Ave from the PIE or Dunearn Road. Along Eng Neo Ave, follow the directional signs to Bukit Timah Saddle Club.*


You will be able to get such a clear view of the beautiful horses while having a good breakfast on a weekend!


Breakfast set is quite ok. It’s not exceptionally nice or something that you must die die order but it’s decent enough. Guessed it’s the ambience of this cafe that draws customers here.


The pancake is a die die MUST order breakfast set! Some of the pancakes that JAF has tried before are either quite flat or quite tastless. Over here at Riders, the texture and the thickness of the pancakes served are just so fantastic! You can eat it on its own or it goes well with the whipped cream, blueberry sauce or JAF‘s favourite ~ Maple syrup! *Slurp!*



51 Fairways Drive
Bukit Timah Saddle Club
Singapore 286965
Opening hours: 8am – 10pm, Tuesday to Sunday
Tel: +65 6466 9819

Mimolette ~ 宁静又写意的早餐

Hmm..what’s for breakfast today? Let’s explore somewhere to the West…

If you are looking for a quiet breakfast, just you and your loved ones, you can check out this place. The ambience here is quiet and romantic. As for those who like the open air, you can opt for Alfresco dining.


What is morning without a nice cuppa hot coffee?

JAF was lucky, there was a balloonist to entertain the customers on a Sunday morning! He was really good with the balloons..all shapes and sizes, you name it, he made it! Not sure if he will be there every Sunday but the kids were definitely happy because all of them didn’t leave the restaurant empty handed that day!


A very different Eggs Benedict…The cheese or sauce on top of the poached eggs are harden. Not too sure if it was left in the kitchen for too long before it was served or it’s Mimolette’s style of Egg Benedict but JAF still prefers the “original” Eggs Benedict where you can see hollandaise sauce over the poached eggs..


Steak with Sunny side-up. JAF would not recommend this dish for breakfast as it’s kinda heavy. Probably lunch or brunch would be more appropriate.


Nice dessert to end your Sunday Breakfast! The server told us that their Pancake is one of their popular desserts so we decided to go for it! Verdict ~ No regrets! Must try! The presentation of the pancake definitely helps to make the dessert more enticing and delicious! The texture of the pancake is done just right, not too “chao da” (burnt) or too soggy. Definitely going to order it the next time round!


55 Fairways Drive
Tel: 64677748
Opening Hours
Tue–Fri: 11am – 3pm, 6pm – 11pm
Sat & Sun: 10am – 3pm, 6pm – 11pm
(Closed on Mon)

Graze ~ 甜蜜蜜的早餐

Read about this place from some other bloggers so JAF decided to come and try it out. Well, when we first step into Graze, we like the place! The Alfresco dining place is spacious and the interior deco of the restaurant is simply lovely. Definitely a nice place to chill out on a Sunday morning!


Wine for you? They have plenty of choices for you…

When we ordered our breakfast set, we were thinking…hmm…probably will be similar to the other restaurants we went but boy we were wrong! Check out the Sizzling Hot Pan! The sunny side up, the crispy bacons, the sauteed mushrooms, the baked beans…etc! Definitely gonna make you DROOL!


NOT to be missed ~ Graze’s Homemade Honey Sauce. Loveeeee it… SWEET stuff and soon you will find yourself adding the sauce to all of the dishes that you’ve ordered!


This might look like any Eggs Benedict but the hollandaise sauce here taste really good especially when you eat it with the “ozzy” egg yolk…Oohhooo…

貌似“班尼迪克蛋” ~~~ 水波蛋 ~~~ 再淋上很多荷兰酱 ~~~
来来来,大家趁热吃。 🙂

4 Rochester Park,
Singapore 139215
Opening Hours
Tue–Sun: 6.30pm – 10.30pm
Sun: 10.30am – 3pm
Telephone: 6775 9000

Wild Honey ~ 全天候早餐

Waking up late and breakfast time is over? Or craving for breakfast during dinner time?? Don’t fret, JAF is going to introduce you a new “breakfast” place that serves breakfast all day long!


TADA!! Here you go! Breakfast from all over the world! Canadian…Italian…Belgium…Japanese…Mexican…Tunisian…and soooo much more!! 


Menu? Neh… Over at Wild Honey, you can check out the delicious food pics from the iPodTouch at the counter! Not bad huh? 

时代进步了,也许以后点菜真的就再也不须要菜单了。Wild Honey 的这个点子不错,让顾客在柜台通过触屏 iPod 看照片点菜。

You would not be able to find similar furnitures here. Different settings for different corners. Definitely a good place to chill out on weekends. 


Which country do you think this is? Ans: “I luv NY”. Did you guess the correct answer? If you would like to have a simple breakfast, this set is for you. Bagel with scrambled eggs, fresh cherry tomatoes and of course a cup of hot coffee to start your day! 

猜得到以上是来自哪里的早餐吗?没错,就是 “I luv NY” 的美式早餐。简单的面包、鸡蛋、小番茄,更少不了一杯香浓的咖啡,就能填饱肚子,迎接新的一天!

Oh! JAF simply luv this Tunisian breakfast set! The eggs are cooked in the sizzling hotplate with the Tunisian sauce. Taste exceptionally good when the toast is dipped in the egg yolk mixed with the Tunisian sauce! *Yums!!!* 


333A Orchard Road
Mandarin Gallery #03-02
Tel: 6235 3900
Opening hours: 9am – 1030pm daily