Caphe East

Vietnamese food has never been one of the top choices when JAF is searching for food. Well, probably because the food has a distinctive “fishy” taste. BUT…this time round, friends have convinced JAF that it’s a MUST try for this newly set up café located at the east! Hmmm…let’s take a look…

在寻找美食的过程中, 越南菜很少会是找食趣的首选。不过这次, 朋友很努力地说服了找食趣一定要到东边这家新开张的越南食馆瞧瞧。

Goi Cuon (Summer Rolls) – 2pc: $5.00 and 4pc: $8.00

These rolls are freshly made and filled with prawns, sliced pork, lettuce, cucumber, vermicelli and served with a special peanut sauce.


Verdict: NICE! The rice sheet is extremely thin and delicate and the ingredients used are all fresh! Love the sweetness of the peanut sauce and the texture is just nice, not too thick or watery.

透明的米皮很薄, 所用的材料都很新鲜。
非常喜欢花生酱的甜味, 质感顺滑, 不浓不稀刚刚好。
2个: $5.00 / 4个: $8.00

Cha Gio (Spring Rolls) – 3pc: $6.00 and 9pc: $9.00

Traditional Vietnamese dish which is stuffed with Chinese mushrooms, minced pork, crab meat, prawns and vermicelli. Fried to perfection and served with homemade fish sauce.

越南春卷是一道传统越南菜肴, 里头有东菇、猪肉碎、蟹肉、虾和米粉。
炸得适中, 吃时要配上自制的越南沾酱鱼露。
3个: $6.00 / 9个: $9.00

Verdict: A “never-go-wrong” to order dish when you eat at a Vietnamese restaurant. Very crispy, but it would be even better if it’s less oily. The homemade fish sauce is good, it doesn’t have the fishy taste at all!

春卷炸得很酥脆, 不过有点太油腻了, 不然味道会更佳。
自制的鱼露酱不会太浓烈, 适合找食趣的口味。

Pho Tai – $9.00

Raw beef with flat rice noodles served with homemade broth and garnished with mint, coriander, onions and scallions.

越南牛肉河粉, 汤是自家制的。

Verdict: JAF LOVE the broth! The broth is light yet very tasty and flavourful! Every sip leaves a hint of sweetness in your mouth and you never seem to get enough of the soup! *Heavenly….*
Unlike other restaurants which use beef slices, Caphe East has its very own style – the beef meat is pounded instead of sliced, hence it looks like minced beef. Flat silky noodles soaked in the broth… WOoOo… just so AWESOME! 🙂

牛肉河粉汤 ($9.00) 味道清爽甘甜, 让找食趣喝上了瘾。
这里处理牛肉的方式和其他地方的有所不同, 牛肉不是切片, 而是剁碎过。
顺滑的面条浸在汤汁里, 尤其美味。

Café Sua Nong – $4.50

Traditional Vietnamese Coffee with condensed milk. * Vietnamese coffee filter brews one single cup of coffee. Looks complicated but it’s actually not…It comes in three parts, the main central brewing pot, a lid (which also doubles as a coaster), and a mini plunger.*

加入炼奶的传统越南咖啡 ($4.50) 用的是一种特殊的滴滤咖啡杯, 里面放了咖啡粉, 再用热水冲泡。下面用玻璃杯接着,让咖啡滴滴答答的滴到杯子内。

Verdict: “STRONG” is the only word I can describe! It’s like Singaporean style coffee – “Kopi-Gao”. Loads of condensed milk are added so you can just stir according to how sweet you like your coffee to be! 🙂

味道非常浓烈, 就好像我们这里特浓的咖啡吧。
杯子底下加了一层炼奶, 随你喜欢咖啡要多甜, 把咖啡和炼奶混合起来喝。

922, East Coast Road
Singapore 459114
Tel: 62450153

Ming Chung Restaurant

Henghua is a minority chinese dialect of the immigrants from Putien in Fujian province. The language is pretty close to Foochow and Hokkien. There is only a handful of authentic Henghua restaurants in Singapore and their commonly used ingredients are seaweed, oysters, clams and other seafood. This is because Putien is located near the coast. *Ah….now we know!*

在新加坡, 以正宗原味的兴化菜肴为主的餐馆不多。由于莆东沿海的关系, 因此兴化菜肴里最常见的材料就有海带/海藻、蚝、蛤和其他海鲜等。

Ming Chung Restaurant is established in 1933 and is one of Singapore’s oldest Henghua restaurants. The restaurant was named “Ming Chung”, meaning “People” in Chinese, to reflect the affordable home-style Henghua food for the diverse clientele including rickshaw riders and labourers.

民众菜馆创于1933年, 是新加坡历史悠久的兴化餐馆之一。餐馆取名为民众, 正是希望能为当时的老百姓, 包括三轮车车夫和劳工等等, 提供价格大众化的兴化家常菜。

You have to arrive as early as 5pm to “chop” for a table especially if you are heading here for dinner on a weekend!

如果是周末要到这里用餐, 最好是在5点左右就来等位子。

The Heng Hua Lor Mee is a MUST order when you come here!
Expecting the typical “dark” version Lor Mee? The Lor Mee here is white in gravy instead but the spoon base is similar to the “dark” version, in starchy broth. It has loads of ingredients like seafood, sliced pork, clams, tau pok and vegetables.

和常见的酱油色卤面不同, 莆田卤面用白色高汤慢慢炖出来的,让高汤和配料的味道渗透到面条里,因此汤特别粘稠。
里头有不少的料, 有海鲜、猪肉、蛤、豆卜、菜等等。

Another signature dish is this stir fried LaLa (clams), very fresh with natural sweetness! And we LOVE the flavourful sauce too!


WOooo….We love this prawn fritters!! Love the batter which is light and not oily and it’s SUPER CRISPY!!!


The batang fish served here is very fresh! This is a very simple dish yet they cook it so well. The fish is evenly fried and when you dip it with the light soy sauce + cut chilli… YUMS!

马鲛鱼很新鲜。其实是很简单的一道菜, 不过煎得恰当好处, 一点也不马虎。沾点辣椒酱青吃下去, 哇, 好吃!

Last but not least, the fried rice! The rice is fried just right with the “Wok Hei” fragrance! They are very generous with their ingredients – Eggs + Prawns + CharSiew + Chinese Sausages.

最后不能不介绍这个炒饭, 它可是镬气十足, 香喷喷的。料也很丰富哦, 有鸡蛋、虾肉、叉烧和蜡肠。

67 Maude Road
Singapore 208348
Tel: 6296 3428
Opening hours:
3:00pm to 11:30pm
Closed on Mondays

TCS ~ The Coastal Settlement

Whether it’s vintage clothing, or retro home deco and restaurants, they seem to have made a huge comeback recently.


This is a newly opened restaurant located in the ulu Changi area. The building used to be a British Army camp.


If you are driving, you can either park at the private carpark outside the restaurant or the public carpark at Turnhouse Road. Both are free parking.

驾车的朋友可以将车停在餐馆外的停车场或是距离不远的 Turnhouse Road 停车场。

Lots of greenery. Indeed a great way to enjoy food, nature and fresh air at the same time.


Old bicycle at the entrance.


Bar counter, with a mixture of modern and antique feel.


Kampong corner.

The restaurant is very large and spacious, maximum capacity can be up to 200 people.


The furniture here is reminiscent of the British Colonial period.


Relive the old days with these nostalgic items: old record player, old records,


Old typewriter and telephones.


Wooden window shutters on the ceiling.


Wooden chairs lining up near the ceiling and sofa skeleton frame hanging from the ceiling.


Appetizer: Wagyu Cubes – $22
Lightly seared wagyu cubes, with mushroom salsa, mesclun salad and japanese dressing.
The wagyu cubes are not too hard and taste good.

前菜: 香煎和牛粒 – $22

The Coast Salad – $16
Fresh prawns, pork slices, mixed greens, red chillis, local herbs, chopped peanuts, with homemade Vietnamese dressing.
Tossing the salad inside the glass jar was fun.
The Vietnamese dressing adds a refreshing touch to the greens.

南洋风味鲜虾沙律 – $16

Mussel & Clam Soup – $18
Tomatos, fennels, white wine, lemon juice, lightly creamed seafood broth, and chargrilled toast.
JAF finds this a little bit salty, but other than that, the soup is flavourful and goes well with the crispy bread.

淡菜蚶肉汤 – $18

Nasi Lemak – $16
Coconut rice, fried chicken, tiger prawns, sunny side up egg, fresh cucumber, ikan billis and sambal chilli.
The ikan billis here are big sized, and not forgetting the tiger prawns too! JAF likes the specially marinated chicken meat, a different taste from the normal chicken.

椰浆饭 – $16

Prosciutto & Arugula Pizza – $22
16th month old aged Prosciutto, baby tomatoes, arugula, mozzarella cheddar, shaved parmesan cheese.

火腿比萨 – $22

Truffle Mushroom Fettuccine – $21
Sauteed wild mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, with creamy truffle sauce, white wine reduction, shaved parmesan and fresh chives.
A vegetarian meal, the mushrooms are simply fabulous.

松露菌菇宽面 – $21

Cheese Burger – $26
180g Wagyu beef patty, melted smoked cheddar cheese, sliced mushrooms, bacon strips, mesclun salad and fries.
This burger is humongous!!!

和牛芝士汉堡包 – $26

Gula Melaka Panna Cotta – $12
Vanilla panna cotta, red beans, green jelly, gula melaka.

意大利奶冻 – $12

Sea salt caramel cheesecake

All in all, the food is not too bad, but it’s really all about the charming retro ambience which just put this place over the top.


200 Netheravon Road
Singapore 508529
Tel: 6475 0200
Operating Hours:
Monday – Sunday: 10.30am till 12 Midnight
(Last order for Food @ 9:45pm)

Xu Jun Sheng Long Ji (许俊盛隆记)

Looking for Authentic Teochew “Muay” or Cze Char?


Tucked in a corner of Joo Chiat, you will see a bright, clean and spacious koptiam. This non air-conditioned Teochew Porridge and Cze Char place is highly recommended by our Teochew friends! If you have been a “Joo Chiat foodie follower”, you would have heard about them. They were formerly at 59 Joo Chiat Place.

许俊盛隆记是找食趣的潮籍朋友介绍的, 就位于如切地区的这间咖啡店内。
虽然没有冷气, 但胜在够明亮宽敞, 地方也很干净。
如果你是如切美食的忠实追随者, 你一定有听过这个招牌。他们之前在59号营业。

Fish Cake – $2 per piece
WoOOoo….the fish cakes here are a MUST try! They are lightly fried, not oily and do not have a fishy taste. The texture is smooth and very chewy too! *Yums!*

鱼饼 – 每块$2
一定要尝尝这里的鱼饼, 炸得并不油腻, 也没有鱼腥味。
口感爽滑, QQ有弹性。

Pork Trotters (Tendon/thigh) – $6 / $8
The “Loh Bak” (braised meat) here is very soft and tender. Just eat it alone together with plain porridge or rice, it’s good enough. Best when you pour the sweet and dark gravy over it…Shiokaddooo!!!

猪脚 – $6/$8
卤猪脚肉非常软嫩, 吃起来不费劲。
再淋上浓郁的卤汁, 哇~~~马上让人神魂颠倒!

Preserved Radish Omelette – $5
The “Chai Boh Neng” (preserved radish omelette) here is really GOOD! They are so generous with the “Chai Boh”, that you are able to eat the crunchy radish with every bite you take.

菜脯蛋 – $5
美味极了! 菜脯的份量超十足的, 因此每咬一口都能吃到咸香脆口的菜脯颗粒。

Steamed Baby Threadfin – Seasonal Price
For Teochews, steamed fish is a MUST in every meal. The popular fish will normally be the White or Silver Pomfret steamed together with salted vegetables, sour plums and thinly sliced pork belly to enhance the dish. Hmm…since everyone is always here for the steam pomfret, JAF decided to try something different! With the strong recommendation from the server, we ordered the Pan fried “Ngoh Hee” (Threadfin) with black bean sauce. We LOVE this dish! The fish is very FRESH and the gravy is saucy and sweet!

蒸午鱼/马友鱼 – 价格随季节变化而定。
通常潮州蒸鱼用的不是白鲳就是银鲳, 再加入咸菜、酸梅和三层肉薄片。
找食趣就点个不同的 – 蒸午鱼。鱼肉鲜美,黑豆酱汁甜甜的, 更是绝配。

Stir-Fried Clams with Garlic & Chilli – $8 / $12
One of Singaporeans’ favourite seafood dish – Fried “La-La” (clams)!! The “La-Las” here are very big and juicy! Every piece is evenly stir-fried so you won’t miss a single piece without tasting the flavourful sauce! It was sooooo…good that we literally “drank” the sauce from the shell!!!

香蒜辣椒清炒鲜蛤 – $8 / $12

Traditional Prawn Roll – $6 per roll
Unlike some other places that we have tried before, the “Hei Cho” (prawn roll) here are pretty bite size so you would definitely NOT stop at one! And YES! It goes well with the dark sweet sauce and of course not forgetting Teochew style chilli – vinegar/garlic chilli.

Read from other food blogs that customers always come back for the “Hei Cho”. Now we know why, its because these prawn rolls are wrapped with Pork Mesentary.

传统虾枣 – $6

*Fyi – Mesentary: In an animal’s stomach, Mesentery is the piece of peritomeum that joins part of the small intestine to the back wall of the abdomen, as well as supporting the intestine. It is sold already opened, cleaned and scalded.*

*猪小肠衣 ~

Yam Paste with Steamed Pumpkin and Gingko Nuts – $2 per serving
A MUST try Teochew dessert here – “Orh Nee” (yam paste).
In the past, this traditional Teochew dessert is often cooked with lards and lots of shallot oil thus making it very flavourful. These days, this dish tends to be healthier, coconut milk is used to replace fatty oil.
Conclusion: the “Orh Nee” dessert is really AWESOME! 😛 The yam paste is very smooth and mashed pumpkin is added hence giving the taste a slightly different texture.

南瓜白果竽泥 – $2

121 Joo Chiat Place
Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat: 11am – 3.30pm, 5.30pm – 9pm
Sun: 10.30am – 3.30pm

Le Le Pot

When was the last time you ate at a steamboat restaurant at NETT price per pax WITHOUT gst or service charge? Well…JAF found one!!!

大家可曾吃过没有附加消费税以及服务费, 而且是一口价的火锅?

Our friend strongly recommended this restaurant at Tiong Bahru. When we reached there, we were shocked to see a LONG Q!
Tips: Advisable to call and make a reservation before you come.

找食趣通过朋友知道了这家位于中峇鲁的火锅餐馆。我们到了那里, 万万没料到迎接我们的是一条长长的人龙啊。
看来想到这里用餐的话, 最好还是先打个电话预约吧。

So here we are, trying for our luck (YES! We didn’t call to reserve!!) to see if we were lucky to get a “slot”. The server told us that since we had no reservation, we would have to wait for a while…

没有预约的我们既然已来到了, 就只能加入人龙碰碰运气吧。

“Tick-Tock”…”Tick-Tock”…. 15mins…30mins…We were soooo close to giving up because we were all dying of hunger! Then at the 45min the server came to us, “Sorry to keep you waiting, give us 10 more mins, that table is having their dessert now and asking for bill”. FINALLY…..

可怜的我们, 看着时间一分一秒地过, 肚子快饿得不行了。等了45分钟, 差点想放弃时, 终于从侍应生那里听到好消息了。

A very small and cosy restaurant…and YES, its PACKED! PACKED! PACKED!


Very refreshing Lychee Freeze and Ribena Freeze!
*The drinks are NOT included in the buffet, it is charged separately. Ranges from $2.50 – $3.80*

饮料是另外算, 介于$2.50至$3.80之间。

There are 5 types of soup – Chicken Herbal Soup, Coconut Crysthanamum, Tom Yum, Si Chuan Ma La and Laksa.
JAF’s choice – Coconut Crysthanamum and Tom Yum.
Tom Yum is so-so only but the Coconut Crysthanamum is AWESOME! Not at all the taste of coconut…very flavourful and it actually taste more like chicken soup base with a tint of crysthanamum taste. *Yums!* 🙂 Oh yes! As we know, most steamboat restaurants will normally top up “diluted” soup base when you finish your soup but over at Le Le, they will top up your soup with “original” soup base! *Thumbs up!*

椰子菊花汤就真的棒极了, 味道更像是鸡汤外加了点菊花香味。
另外值得一提的是, 这里添加的都是原味原汁的汤底, 可不像有些火锅店, 倒的是薄稀稀的汤哦。

JAF love their fried chicken wings! We ate like….hmmm….20 pieces (for 4 people only)!! They have other “cooked” items like fried wanton, calamari, chinese steam buns, pumpkin balls and sotong balls etc…


They serve thinly sliced fresh beef, chicken, pork, bacon, liver. Other than meat fillet items, seafood like fresh prawns, fish, cockles and clams etc are also included in the menu. Loads of vegetables for you to choose from too! JAF must say that there are soooo… many items (about 80 over) that we have yet to mention! *We actually wanted to take more pictures but the serving of food was so fast that we were all busy pouring the food into the steamboat and eating them! Hehe!*
You got to come here and try them all!

吃火锅当然少不了各式各样的肉类, 如牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉、培根、猪肝等等。

Last but not least…each person is entited to 1 FREE dessert! Yay!!! 🙂

最后, 每人都能享有一份免费的甜品哦, 是不是物超所值呢?

ADULT/CHILD (Below 1.3m)
$20.80 / $12.80 NET
Mon – Thur, Except Eve & On Public Holidays

ADULT/CHILD (Below 1.3m)
$21.80 / $13.80 NET
Fri, Sat, Sun, Eve & On Public Holidays

58 Seng Poh Road
#01-23 Singapore 160058
Telephone: 62229442
Opening hours:
11am – 3pm (Lunch)
5pm – 11pm (Dinner)

Ramen Competition @ Iluma

Last weekend, after catching a movie at Iluma, JAF decided to settle our dinner at the 4th level where there are a number of eateries. We were attracted to this huge-sized banner, and the ramen choices offered looked tempting to us. It was only after we sat down and looked through the brochure, then we realized that there is a ramen competition going on.

上个周末,找食趣到Iluma 武吉士看电影,就顺便在Iluma的四楼走走看看。看到这么一个巨型的布条,以为是什么新的日本餐馆开张了,所提供的拉面选择看起来也很多样化,就决定在这里解决晚餐了。

6 well-known ramen restaurants from Japan are invited to participate in this Singapore Ramen Champion Competition, which will run for one year starting from July 2011. They each have a stall located at Iluma@Bugis. Diners can cast their votes for their favourite ramen stall via SMS, Facebook and voting slips provided onsite. The ramen stall that gets the highest votes will be invited to set up a restaurant in Singapore next year after the competition.

食客们可以通过简讯、Facebook 或置放在门口的投票表格投选自己最喜爱的拉面馆。登上冠军宝座的赢家就能在比赛后在新加坡正式开张营业。

The 6 participating restaurants are:

Bario from Tokyo – Bario Ramen

Taishoken from Tokyo – Mori Soba

Tetsu from Tokyo – Paitan Tsukeman Ramen

Gantetsu from Sapporo – Gantetsu Special Miso Ramen

Ikkousha from Hakata – Hakata Ajitama Ramen

Iroha from Toyama – Toyama Black Ramen

The Toyama Black Shoyu Ramen is Iroha’s signature ramen. The broth is dark, JAF learnt that a secret thick dark sauce prepared from black soybean is used. There is a light aroma of sesame.


The other one we ordered was the Bario Ramen. There was a very long queue, so it was just non-stop cooking of noodles for this Japanese chef.


Instead of the signature No.1 Bario Ramen, JAF ordered Maze Soba with Collagen Soup.


Do you see the huge amount of bean sprouts on top?! For those who do not like bean sprouts at all, it’s only natural for them to remove the whole chunk of bean sprouts. Initially JAF was skeptical of the massive amount of bean sprouts, but mixing them up together with the noodles and minced meat proved to be the correct move. The noodles soaked in the sauce were very saltish, but the crunchy bean sprouts actually provides a good balance and moderates the heavy flavour. Not forgetting the lightly flavoured soup which goes well with the bowl of ramen too.


Futomen, or thick ramen is used here. A rather fulfilling bowl of chewy noodles.


201 Victoria Street
Bugis Iluma #04-08/09/10
Singapore 188607
Tel: 62381011
Opening Hours:
11.30am – 10.30pm (Daily)

MEDZS @ Orchard Central

Based on a Marché style setting, MEDZS is the first restaurant in Singapore to offer an assortment of Mediterranean food under one roof. The place is divided into different sections according to countries, namely: Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Greece, Turkey, France and Italy. There are also the Dessert, Delicatessen and Med Garden sections.

MEDZS是新加坡第一家将各个地中海国家的料理集中于同一屋檐下的餐厅。概念和 Marché 类似,每一位顾客都持有一张食物卡,方便在不同食物区点餐。食物区有西班牙、摩洛哥、突尼斯、希腊、土耳其、法国、意大利,也包括甜品区、Delicatessen、Med Garden等。

We heard that this bar section here is well stocked with over 120 brands of beers, mostly from the Mediterranean countries.


Duck Leg Confit ($10.00) from France section.

Ribeye Steak from France section. Not too bad.

Bread Butter Pudding ($2.00) from Dessert section.

Gambas and Jamen Paella ($12.00), a Spanish/Morocco special.


Pork Belly skewer ($8.00) from Spain/Morocco/Tunisia section.
Well seasoned, super nice and juicy! This was our favourite dish for the night.


Margharita Pizza ($4.00) from Greece/Italy section.

Forgot the name of this dish and which section it came from…the taste? So so…


JAF can’t remember the name of the above, which is from the Turkey section…it’s lamb meat and we had only one thing to say: the taste sucks. JAF’s friend said the dish was very disappointing because it was very good when she had it the last time. Seems like the standard is not consistent.


Chicken Pastilla ($7.00)
This was the other skewer we tried, at least it made up for the previous lousy meat.


*supposed to be…Hot Plate Beef with Cheese and Mushroom from Turkey section.


But ended up all 4 of us felt that it tasted more like lamb than beef!!! We believed the chefs mixed up the meat because they were too busy. By then, we were all too full and tired to do anything about it, so we left the dish unfinished.


Rosti Potato with sour cream and Parma Ham…Tajines Chicken…and so many other dessert flavours…JAF will have to find another day to visit.
Furthermore there is a great offer: 25% discount off the total bill with DBS/POSB credit cards. Not sure if it’s till August 2011, so do make good use of that.

如果使用 DBS/POSB 信用卡,还有25%折扣,很值得。听说过了八月就没有这样的优惠了,大家快快行动。

#B2-01, Orchard Central
Tel: 62389028
Opening Hours: 11am – 11pm

Tonny Restaurant @ Joo Chiat

Interested to check out some exquisitely prepared Chinese dishes at this new restaurant along Joo Chiat Road? Scroll down and see for yourself!


This is Tonny Chan, chef from Hong Kong and boss of Tonny Restaurant.
He has just moved over to Joo Chiat not long ago, so he decided that putting up his photo on the signboard outside the restaurant would be easier for his customers to identify the new place immediately.


Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon ($8/pax)
(Medley of Lobstero Egg White and Dried Scallop)
A white, mousse-like concoction of egg whites, scallops and lobster, it tastes light and airy, and you wonder where have all the ingredients gone? The fried spring roll skin acts as a “bowl” and sits on on top of a thick onion ring. It is indeed an amazing and unique dish, no wonder it won a Gold Award in a Chinese culinary competition in 2002.
Chef Tonny said he drew inspiration from Lee Ang’s Chinese movie “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon”, when he needed a name for this dish that he specially created to participate in the competition.


Crispy Yam with Truffle Oil ($10)
This is a stunning dish. Yam is shredded to fine strips and deep fried. JAF simply love the presentation, it looks amazingly lovely. Crunchy on the bite, the yam strips are fragrant and delicious.
While we were eating, JAF kept smelling a strange burnt smell every now and then. But because the smell was very faint, JAF took little notice of it. Chef Tonny later told us that the smell actually came from the truffle oil, which is known to smell like gasoline. Most customers actually enjoy the flavour and aroma once they get used to the smell.


Pan-fried Salted Boneless Chicken with Five Spices ($18)
This is a delicious dish, very suitable for the aged and the kids because the bones have been removed. The pan-fried meat is tender and well seasoned throughout. JAF simply loves the hint of saltiness that lingers in the mouth.

煎烤无骨盐焗鸡 ($18)

Steamed Glutinous Rice with Chinese Sausage ($18)
JAF always feel that chinese sausages are a tad too salty, but the ones in the above dish are just nice.
These chinese sausages are specially prepared by a Hong Kong chef, and not as fatty as the local sausages.

蒜香腊味糯米饭 ($18)

Golden Banana Balls
Another art piece. This is a special dessert that is not included in the menu. So how did JAF get to try it? Well, that’s a secret, hehe.
Anyway, the reason why it’s not in the menu is because the preparation process is a little complicated, and it has to be served immediately after it’s done. The timing has to be right, if not the taste would be different.
The ingredients include bananas, mayonnaise, milk, strawberry sauce and a little lemon. On top of the balls are thin shreds of potato. Interesting combination, isn’t it?
And what is the best way to appreciate this dessert? Just put the entire ball into the mouth and let it melt away totally.


Tonny Restaurant Pte Ltd
325/327 Joo Chiat Road
Singapore 427582
Tel: 63489298
Opening Hours:
11.30am – 3pm / 6pm – 10.30pm (Daily)

Joo Chiat Joo Joo

At the cross junction of Joo Chiat Road and East Coast Road is a restaurant with 3 shops joined together under the same roof: Awfully Chocolate, Mooshi Bakes and the Japanese-inspired Joo Joo Kushiyaki.

位于如切路和东海岸路的交界处有一家集合了三个品牌于一体的的餐馆:Awfully Chocolate, Mooshi Bakes and the Japanese-inspired Joo Joo Kushiyaki。

Young and energetic staff welcomed us the moment we stepped in from the side entrance. The cafe is comfortably spaced out, with clean white walls and simple wood furnishings.


The place was still quite empty when we reached there.

After we settled down at the innermost corner of the cafe, the crowd started to come in. We realised there were two different groups of customers. From around 7+pm till close to 9pm, the crowd consisted mainly of students and youngsters. And after 9pm, we observed that there was a total change of crowd. The patrons consisted mainly of families, and more matured couples who came in mainly for desserts.


Back to the menu, it’s pretty straightforward.

Kishiyaki Set for 2 ($36.90++):
There were 4 of us, but we intended to try some other food, so we decided to just share a set for 2.


Clam Broth 味噌蛤蜊汤

Creamy Miso Soup with Pork Belly
JAF personally like this soup, the taste is something out of the ordinary.


Food was served real fast. Within few minutes, almost all the food were out on the table. After taking pictures of the soups, JAF friends were too hungry and eager to wait for JAF to finish taking the pictures…ONE against THREE, that was really a tough fight! JAF could only surrender…hence, very limited photos available… 😦

看着眼前那么多的菜,朋友们抵不住美食,等找食趣拍完汤的照片后,就“刻不容缓” (找食趣觉得用这个成语形容是再恰当不过了)开始动手又动口。

Items: garlic rice wrapped around by a fairly large piece of seaweed, crispy chicken skin, chicken thigh with tare, quail eggs wrapped with pork belly, shitake with tare, salmon belly and miso soup…
One of the items (salmon belly) listed was not available, so we got to replace it with a Grilled Beef Tendon with House Dressing.


Prawn with Indian spices served with Okra.
Okra” is actually another name for lady’s fingers. The prawns are ok, but JAF favoured the okra more.


Besides the Kishiyaki set, we ordered 2 other dishes.

Japanese Chargrilled Cha-Siu Don ($13.90). The pork belly is not too bad.


Medium-done Ribeye Steak Set ($18.90)


JAF and friends concluded that the steak was the best among all that we had eaten.


Overall, JAF and friends think that food served here is quite decent and tasty but a little too much on the salty side.


After dinner, getting some desserts from either Awfully Chocolate or Mooshi Bakes proved to be too irresistible.

和Joo Joo一起属于同一个老板的Awfully Chocolate 以及 Mooshi Bakes 一直不停地向我们“招手”,我们又怎能抵御得了如此的诱惑呢?

This has a cute name: Gooey.
It’s soft and creamy. For those who love cinnamon, this is the dessert for you.


Mooshi Cream Puff ($3.90)


Drinks wise, can try this which mixes green tea and lime together. Both hot and cold are available. ($3.20)


Joo Joo / Mooshi Bakes
131 East Coast Road
Singapore 428816
Tel: 6346 7604
Daily Opening Hours:
12pm–3pm, 6pm–10pm (Joo Joo)
12pm-10pm (Mooshi Bakes)

New Italian Restaurant ~ Da Luca

Do you like Italian food? Newly opened for around 4 months, this nice and cosy Italian restaurant impressed JAF so much that all other entries are shoved aside for the moment. Simply can’t wait to share with JAF’s loyal readers!


Love the simple, unpretentious and homely décor, which exudes a vibrant ambience.

Prosciutto E Melone $21.90
~ Parma Ham 24 month with Rock Melon

It is interesting to learn that the more matured the Parma Ham, the better taste it is. Did some research online and found this quote:

“A properly matured Parma Ham® should be of a good pale-red colour, mild, sweet-flavoured and tender, and at its best is perhaps the most delicious food in all Italy.”
–Elizabeth David, Italian Food (Penguin Books, 1954)


意大利帕玛火腿(Prociutto di parma)

JAF finds out why this dish matches Parma Ham and rock melon together: the Parma Ham has a somewhat salty flavour and when wrapped around the rock melon, balances beautifully with the sweetness of the rock melon. This is a combination that really works!


* More info about Parma Ham can be found at wikipedia and wisegeek.


Rucola Al Balsamico Con Pere E Parmigiano $13.90
~ Wild Rocket Salad with Pear, Parmesan in Balsamic Dressing
Fresh and clean taste in your mouth. For those who do not like the strong taste of the rocket leaves, there are other salad choices as well.


Pizza Con Tonno Cipolle E Rucola $22.90
~ Tomato with Mozzarella, Tuna Onion and Rocket

This big-sized, flavour-packed pizza is simply lovely! The taste of tuna onions, melted mozzarella cheese, aromatic rocket leaves makes the pizza totally worthwhile from the first bite to the last.


Among the fairly broad choice of pastas offered on the menu, all are handmade except one. So of course the pastas are MUST-TRIES.
We had two totally different pastas:
Pappardelle Pasta – broad and flat ribbon-shaped
Angel Hair Pasta – long and thin.


Pappardelle Sull’ Anatra $22.90
~ Homemade Pappardelle Pasta with Braised Duck and Italian Parsley

Capellini Al Granchio E Zucchini $22.90
~ Angel Hair Pasta with Crab meat, Zucchini and Tomato Sauce

The overall taste of the Pappardelle Pasta is heavier in comparison with the lighter and more delicate Angel Hair Pasta. Both are equally good, and the savoury flavours linger in the mouth, so satisfying and simply divine .


JAF and friends were FULL after wiping out all the food, but the strong craving for desserts did not stop us from ordering the tiramisu.

*No tiramisu photo because the camera battery went flat!!! 😦

Tiramisu $10.90
~ Mascarpone Cream Cheese with Sponge Coffee and Chocolate
The tiramisu was nicely-flavoured, but maybe it could do with more liquor.


Last but not least, the service here is really good. It was a crowded night when we went, but we enjoyed the friendly, polite and swift service.

The restaurant owner Chef Luca even came out to personally shake hands with us before we left the restaurant. With such pleasant food and service experience, JAF will be back for sure.


离开之前,开朗的老板兼主厨Chef Luca亲自来和我们握手道别。就是这种亲切友善的服务态度才会让顾客们一再光顾,找食趣肯定会再回去的!

Da Luca (Authentic Italian Cuisine From Chef Luca)
1 Goldhill Plaza
Tel: 6258 4846
Opening Hours:
12pm – 2.30pm, 6pm – 10.30pm (Daily)

New Udon Thai Food (BBQ Steamboat)

If anyone asks you about the famous eatery at Golden Mile, the first name that pops out of your mind must be “Thien Kee Steamboat Restaurant” right? Well, instead of the common restaurant that everyone knows, JAF is going to recommend another eatery at Golden Mile – “Na Na Thai Food”. This restaurant specializes in “BBQ+Steamboat buffet”.

的确,瑞记还蛮受欢迎的,不过找食趣想向大家推荐黄金坊里的另一家专卖烧烤火锅自助餐的店家~Na Na 泰式美食。

The “Secret” weapon of this Thai restaurant is their “UFO” pot! The food tastes so GOOD because it uses CHARCOAL to cook!


Another “Secret” weapon is the chilli sauce. *It tastes pretty similar to Coca’s chilli sauce* JAF’s favourite: add the chopped garlic + chilli padi…and mixed them well together…WooOOoo…sets you on FIRE! One word to describe – “SHIOK!” And guess what? You can buy this chilli sauce at Golden Mile! 🙂


JAF had the Seafood+Pork set. Price – $39.90 (including free flow of charcoal)
Other sets such as chicken and beef are available too.


The set comes with vegetables and other stuff as well, cabbage + “chye sim” + golden mushroom + eggs + authentic Thai’s vermicelli.


JAF’s BBQ+Steamboat night starts now!


Golden Mile Complex,
5001 Beach Road, #01-87

Free Pizza or Pasta on Ladies Night!

JAF was introduced to this Italian restaurant by a friend. As the food was pretty decent, we decided to head there again. We were puzzled when the server asked if we were keen on their special promotion ~ “Ladies’ Night”. Heard about free drinks but free FOOD for ladies???

Yes, FREE Pizza or Pasta for each lady on Wednesday nights!

*Take note: Buono’s Ladies’ Night Promotion is ONLY on every WEDNESDAY!
As long as there is one lady at the table, the server will automatically recommend the choices available for the “free” pizzas and pastas.


才刚坐下,侍应生就向我们推荐餐馆的一项优惠活动 ~ “Ladies’ Night”,只要你是女人,就可以点一道免费的披萨或意大利粉。

千真万确,Buono 的 “Ladies’ Night” 优惠活动不是骗人的!每逢星期三,餐馆就会有这项“免费”促销。

Since there were 2 of us (ladies) here, we decided to choose one each.

Every meal comes with their freshly made garlic bread. *Yums!*

JAF was wondering how big the portion for a “free” pasta would be like?
Answer: The dish is definitely good enough as a main course! Very generous portion and ingredients! *Impressed* 🙂


Orecchiete Di Mare with Zucchini, Clams, Calamari in Seafood Tomato Sauce.

Verdict: Pasta is cooked to the right texture, sauce is not too creamy yet you can taste the sweet tomato flavour.

*The term “Calamari” is commonly used by Greek, Italian and Spanish languages. When the squid becomes a food, the culinary name “Calamari” is used instead.

*鱿鱼的英文是Squid,希腊文、意大利文和西班牙文是Calamari。当变成食材时,英文就不称它squid,而是以它的烹饪专用名culinary name Calamari称之。

An open concept huge oven where you can take a peek at the chef making pizzas!


At first JAF thought that only 1 slice of free pizza would be served but we were so wrong! It was a HUGE whole pizza, with 8 HUGE slices!!!


Margarita Pizza ~ Plain Pizza with Mozzarella Cheese. Instead of having it plain, we added ham and mushroom on it.
*Take note: Additional charges for additional toppings. (Classic Ham ~ $5, Mushroom ~ $2)

玛格丽特披萨 ~ 简单,只有马苏里拉奶酪,所以我们也多加了火腿和蘑菇。
多加的料就不是免费了。(火腿 ~ $5, 蘑菇 ~ $2)

Verdict: Superb! The pizza is freshly made and the thin crust is so crispy. When you “tear” the pizza apart, the melted mozzarella cheese is “drooping” in the air!

披萨当然是现烤现吃的好。薄薄的 很脆。

JAF felt that 3 persons would be just nice to share the pasta and pizza. However if you are not able to finish the food, you can request for “tabao” even though the items are free. 🙂


Hmm…guess what is this?

Buono’s Specialty Tiramisu 特制提拉米苏 ~ $8

Verdict: We all know that Tiramisu is one of the most popular desserts in an Italian restaurant, so of course we must order Buono’s version to try out. The tiramisu here is freshly made daily. The combination of mascarpone and whipped cream is just right, not too light nor heavy, and it melts in your mouth! Definitely a GOOD choice made! 🙂


Buono Pizzabar & Ristorante
27 Lichfield Rd 556847
Tel: 6733 5646
Opening Hours:
Open Daily 12pm-2pm, 6pm-10pm

Lobster Porridge @ Long Xia Zhou Shi Jia

Craving for something hot and soupy? JAF decided to hop by this “Very Recommended” restaurant suggested by our friend. She told us that the Lobster porridge is a MUST try!!!


Fresh Vegetable Juice ~ $4.50
The waitress strongly recommended this juice the moment we sat down. We were afraid of the “raw” vegetable taste but the waitress assured us not to worry and said it’s the “Top Listed” drink in the restaurant!


Verdict: The waitress was right! It tastes just like any ordinary juice except that it is not very sweet. Most importantly, the “raw” vegetable taste is totally absent.


Can you see what is in there?

Signature Lobster Porridge ~ $29.90.
We were lucky that we came during the “Promotion Period: 1 for 1”. (Not sure if it’s still on though.)

招牌龙虾粥 $29.90!价钱可不便宜哦,我们去的时候正好有买一送一的促销活动,太幸运了。(不过现在还有没有这个促销就不知道了。)

As described in their menu:
Signature Lobster Porridge won the Super Gold Medal Award in the 2006 International Culinary Competition. Described as “heavenly delicious” by the judges, this signature dish features succulent lobster meat in superior stock.


Verdict: 1 word ~ “SHIOKALLICIOUS” We love the broth!! It is very sweet and reminded me of traditional Teochew fish porridge. The lobster is not huge but the entire dish is so good that we literally “cleaned” up the bowl without leaving behind a single grain of rice! 🙂


Pan Fried Kurobuta ~ $18
What is Kurobuta?
As described in the menu:
Kurobuta Black Hog, prized for juiciness, flavour and tenderness, is pinked-hued and heavily marbled. Like Kobe beef, Kurobuta refers to a breed of pig and the way it is raised. Got it?

香煎黑猪肉 $18

Verdict: Hmm…JAF don’t find this dish very special. It tasted like the Singapore version of “honey pork” except the meat is more tender.


Crispy Lotus with Salted Egg ~ $12
When our friend mentioned this dish, the first thought was…”Huh? You mean the lotus we normally cook in peanut and pork ribs soup?” She said,”Ya! You be surprised!!”

咸蛋脆莲藕 $12

Verdict: And yes!! We were!! This is a MUST…MUST try!!! The lotus is thinly sliced, fried and coated with salted yolk. It’s not oily and yet crispy! Oh one more thing, it’s very ADDICTIVE!! You definitely would not stop at one!!!


181 Orchard Road #08-09 Orchard Central

Opening Hours
Mon–Fri: 11.30am–3.30pm, 6pm–11pm
Sat–Sun: 11.30am–11pm

Sarang @ Orchard Central

Sarang (“Love” in Korean) is a restaurant all Korean fanatics would probably make it a point not to miss out.

Sarang (韩文“爱”的意思)是一家韩国迷应该不会错过的餐馆。

The restaurant is situated on the 7th floor at Orchard Central, with an open view of the city.


The alfresco area offers a nice dining experience in a relaxed atmosphere.


What’s most striking about the interior design is a red wall covered with photos of their chefs and a giant heart-shaped photo collage.
Curious about the photos of the chefs on the wall, JAF checked out with one of the servers, and learnt that they are all part of a team of 8 Korean chefs, working on a rotation basis with 2 rest days per week.


This is a clearer view of the 8 chefs.
*Picture is taken from Sarang’s website.


Sarang Japchae $6.80
– Stir-fried vegetable vermicelli tossed in sesame oil
This is our number ONE favourite among all the dishes we ordered. We like the light fragrance of the sesame oil taste.


Ginseng Porridge (Yeongyang dakjuk) $6.80
– Chef’s signature Korean ginseng and chicken porridge
Mild ginseng taste, tasty and delicious. This is our number TWO favourite.
The portion is not very big, good for maybe 2-3 persons, unless there are porridge lovers around.


DJ rice (Sarang dolsot bibimbap) $8.80
– Authentic Korean rice with assorted vegetables, served in hot stone pot


Drunken Pork (Yangnyeom samgyeop gui) $15.80
– Grilled pork belly served with kimchi on a sizzling hot plate
It is marinated in red wine, garlic, salt and pepper. Quite oily, but the seasoning is not too bad. Just that JAF thought the meat could be more tender since it’s the belly portion.


Rain (Pa jeon) $8.80
– Scallion pancake served on a hot plate
A so-so dish…


Cute Fingers (Tteok kkochi) $4.80
– deep fried rice cakes served with yuja citron sauce
The savoury taste of the yuzu sauce together with the rice cakes, form an interesting combination. Our number THREE favourite.


We were very much attracted to the drinks’ photos inside the menu and decided to order 2 of them to try. To our disappointment, the drinks tasted pretty normal and nothing too special.


181 Orchard Road
#07-01 Orchard Central
Singapore 238896
Tel: 6773 1322
Opening Hours:
12pm – 10pm on Sunday to Thursday
12pm – 11pm on Friday and Saturday

A quiet meal @ Tavolo

Wondering where to go for a nice meal during the Christmas festive period?

Tavolo is an open concept restaurant that delivers a casual yet stylish atmosphere. The place is not very big and there are not many seats around.

地方不是很大, 座椅不是很多。

First is a healthy dish with lots of green.
Arugula Salad $12 – arugula (rocket) leaves, avocado, caramelized beet, walnut & feta cheese tossed in balsamic vinegar dressing.
The balsamic dressing is mixed with honey, adding a zing of sweetness and freshness on the taste buds.

先来道非常有卖相的健康沙拉 – 芝麻菜叶沙拉。

*What is “Arugula”?
Arugula is very low in calories and is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, calcium, and magnesium. It can be eaten raw, added to salads with other salad greens, or cooked. It is worth noting that the older the leaves, the more intense the flavor. Younger leaves are tender and have a milder taste and therefore are best for salads. Older leaves may be slightly bitter and are more appropriate for sautéing or steaming.


*The term “balsamic” actually means “restorative” or “health giving”. Thus balsamic dressing is often regarded as a healthy choice of condiment for food.

Piadina $11 (it’s an Italian Grilled Flat Bread with no Yeast) – pesto, sun dried tomato, shaved parmesan.
The intensely green and fragrant pesto sauce obviously takes the centre stage. It is very tasty…JAF‘s favourite!
A “must” dish strongly recommended by the restaurant in-charge, the piadina (an Italian Grilled Flat Bread with no Yeast) comes with a few choices of toppings, and one whole piece can feed two very comfortably.

餐馆负责人大力推荐必点菜 – 意式煎饼。

See how thin the piadina is. It’s not too filling and the stomach can have some more room for other food.

* The “Piadina flatbread” is probably the most famous food icon of Romagna, an area east of the city of Bologna that covers the provinces of Forlì-Cesena, Rimini and Ravenna. Traditional food (fish from the sea coast and meat from the hills), wine producers and good life style, make this area very attractive.

意大利几乎每个地区都有代表食品,而Piadina Romagnola 就属Romagna 地区的经典作。它是古罗马时期 Romagna 地区贫苦农民的重要食粮,以面粉和水搓成圆形的无酵饼 (flatbread)。现今无论是酒吧、酒店咖啡厅或是街角的轻食店都随处可见。欧盟甚至给予Piadina Romagnola 简称 PGI 的认证 (Protected Geographical Indication),肯定这款食物的地区价值,以及其悠久历史。

Fettuccine al Salmone $26 – homemade fettuccine, fresh salmon, capers, garlic, white wine, tomato, light cream.
The homemade fettuccine is soft yet chewy…sauce is super good, giving the dish a tantalizing aroma…another JAF’s favourite.
For those who do not like creamy pasta, this is one good choice.


Sauce all wiped out!

Wind down, relax and have some coffee and desserts at the sofa area – good for chilling out, 🙂


Tiramisu $10. Hmm…slightly disappointing…it’s a bit dry…

Semifreddo Pralinato $10 – signature handmade gelato, praline semifreddo.
The dessert was a tad sweet for JAF.

*Praline: a family of confections made from nut and sugar syrup, and is an ingredient used in many cakes, pastries and ice creams.
Semifreddo: Italian for “half cold” and refers to a variety of cold or frozen desserts, very similar to ice cream.

Quiet ambience, good food, attentive service. To sum up, it was an enjoyable dining experience indeed for JAF.

#P3-07 (3rd Flr) PARCO
9 Raffles Boulevard Millenia Walk,
Singapore 039596
For Reservation: 6423 1123
Opening hours: 10.30am – 10pm (Daily)