Orange Thimble

Another café has “surfaced” in Tiong Bahru!


JAF was having breakfast at Tiong Bahru market and happened to walk pass this little café. Though we were still VERY FULL from our earlier breakfast, we couldn’t stop ourselves from NOT entering this café. Haha!

找食趣在中峇鲁巴刹吃完早餐后, 无意中经过这家小小咖啡馆。虽然已经吃得饱饱的, 但还是按捺不住踏进咖啡馆里。

It looked like any other café until we explored further in… Check this out!

咖啡馆看起来似乎很普通, 可是往里头钻后, 才发现原来内有乾坤喔。

Don’t you just love the backyard!
The cafe is a very cosy feeling place, and it’s divided into 5 sections, including the backyard. Each corner is a different layout. Cool right? 🙂

看看后巷, 是不是觉得别具风味呢?
整个咖啡馆共分为5个部分, 包括后巷在内。每一个部分都是不同的设计, 非常用心。

After you place your order at the counter, a “beeper” will be given. It will beep when your food is ready for collection.

点菜后, 你会拿到一个”迷你声响器”。当它发出声响, 就表示可以去领取食物了。

Beep! Beep! Your food is ready!

哔哔哔! 食物好了!

Nice cuppa latte to start your day! Remember these fancy gems biscuits we used to eat when we were young?

来一杯拿铁咖啡, 再吃吃童年时候常吃到的”七彩宝塔糖”饼干, 令人怀念啊。

They serve “All Day Breakfast” on weekends!


Here you gooo…. 2 Sunny Side-up + 2 Sausages, Sauteed Mushroom + Roasted Tomatoes + Bacon +Baked Beans + 2 slices of Toast = $11.50

$11.50 的早餐, 内有两份的鸡蛋、香肠、面包、还有炒蘑菇、烤番茄、培根和茄汁焗豆。

Orange Thimble will definitely become another hang-out place for us! Next time we are coming here with an empty stomach! J


Blk 56, 01-68, Eng Hoon Street,
Tiong Bahru, Singapore
Opening hours:
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 11am – 9pm
Fri, Sat: 9am – 10.30pm
Sun: 9am-9pm
Closed on Mondays

YY Kafei Dian

It’s a quiet and lazy weekday afternoon…

An old fashioned coffeeshop…

Some customers sitting outside sipping coffee or tea, chatting or looking on as cars passed by once in a while…

Nostalgic mood lingering in the air…

This is YY Kafei Dian, along Beach Road, located at the furthest end of Purvis street, diagonally opposite to Shaw Tower.


There are actually quite a number of cze char and hainanese dishes at this kopitiam, but JAF is not going into details. Rather, as the title of this entry has indicated, JAF wants to focus on the toasted buns here, because this is what YY Kafei Dian is probably most famous for.


The first thing to do is to just forget about not being ladylike, open your mouth super wide and bite into the big-sized bun. Probably a twisted face action, but guess this is all about having fun and enjoyment with nice food yeah?


The buns are freshly baked and toasted before serving. The spread of kaya and butter melts in your mouth. And what’s most amazing is each bun is crispy on the outside, but soft and fluffy on the inside, making it a wonderful combination of taste and texture.
Just one word to sum it up ~ heavenly!


For those who have yet to taste the toasted kaya and butter buns here, you will surely be in for a nice little surprise!

YY Kafei Dian
37 Beach Road #01-01
Tel: +65 6336 8813
Opening Hours
Daily: 7.30am – 10.30pm